
Is this normal aggression?

by  |  earlier

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I know kittens play fight but my kitten seems really angry once he attacked anything he could once he atacked my microphone, my stuffed animal and hugged it tight and started biting it very hard, ears back and everything.

I don't think itis normal because he looks very mean!

Is it?

He is crazy! He freaks me out sometimes. I rarely hold the kitten because i am afraid of getting bit.




  1. When my cat plays, she attacks with all the force of a cat in the wild that's hunting and killing prey.  Her ears are back and she has a wild look in her eyes and she bites and kicks.  But it's just play.  Your cat knows that the objects he's playing with aren't real prey (they don't have the scent of real prey) so he's just pretending to attack and kill.  If you notice that he's getting ready to attack something that he shouldn't, toss him a toy to divert his attention onto the toy, and then let him attack it all he wants.

  2. He's just being a kitten.  Mine do they same and then they outgrow it. Please be sure to still give him lots of love even if he does bite.  You don't want him to become an unsocial cat.

  3. I know this cat thats is mean because he lives with a 3 year old in his home and the three year old is mean. If he is in a destuctive environment he take anger out on things

  4. When my cat was a baby kitten, I thought he was on crack because he did the same thing! He was always running around and attacking things. He eventually calmed down, but for about 6 months he was crazy like that. We just gave him a stuffed animal cat, and now it's his girlfriend.. He humps it instead of attacking things lol.

  5. maybe he have nerve issue or something look im not a vet

  6. my kitten duz this all the time with her little stuffed animal cat.

    its completely normal and all tho ur kitten looks scary he is really having fun. this is kind of them trying to say they want a playmate instead of a lifeless stuffed animal.  my kitten attacks random stuff like bags and cell phones and even my leg.  but if your kitten ever bites you just spray his paws with water.  altho that sounds really mean it works very well to stop kittens from biting or scraching.  also give him some treats if she is ever calm and not biting. it would be better if you hold him more because it tells him that you are affectionate and love him.  best of luck :D

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