
Is this normal at 5 weeks pregnant? Sorry if TMI! ?

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My friends period is 2 wks late and she said before her period was late, up until now, she has been having white discharge that is still happening now. She said this week she had some brownish tint in her discharge and the other day when she wiped she saw red blood so she thought that her period was about to start but it never came full on. So the brownish stuff she saw was on and off throughout the day and the red stuff was only that one time in exception to today she said she wiped and saw a little red spot and then nothing (just the brownish color when she wiped, and when she peed and wiped it was a redish color pee (NOTHING LIKE HEAVY PERIOD BLOOD). She also said that for the past few days shes been getting vaginal aches like you do when your about to start your period. She thinks she may be pregnant and if she was she'd be 5 weeks and a few days. Does this sound normal in the early stages of pregnancy or does this sound like her period coming on? Can you get vaginal aches like you do when your period is coming when your pregnant? Please let me know so I can talk to my friend. Thanks everyone.




  1. Some early pregnancy signs are similar to period symptoms.  

  2. If your friend is pregnant, this sounds like implantation bleeding, which can occur within the first 8 weeks of pregnancy. It is when the egg implants itself into the wall of the uterus, and can cause small amounts of brownish spotting. It can also cause mild period-like cramping. I would suggest to her to take an at home pregnancy test, especially if she is 2 weeks late on her period.

  3. I'm amazed that your "friend" is giving you such exact details about the color and consistency of her EVERY bathroom visit.  Personally I think you/"she" should go see the GYN because there is SOMething going on.

  4. Sure, it could be pregnancy, then again it could be her period. Seems like its too early to tell. There really is no way of knowing yet, Ask her to wait it out a little longer, maybe a few days then do a test. If its negative and her period doesnt come wait another few days and test again. Wish her luck.

  5. I did that very thing...I got discharge early on in my pregnancy and I only spotted blood one time a couple weeks after I concieved and it never came back. I still have discharge now at 21 weeks. I got light cramps the first few weeks, like really low abdominal aches. The next thing she will feel if she is pregnant is her b***s will start to ache and be really sensitive, thats almost the immediate symptom. She may or may not get morning sickness so she will just have to take a test or go to a free clinic where they can have her take a test and then a week or two later they can do an internal ultra sound on her, to see a heartbeat. Stay by her side and be supportive if she is pregnant, she may get freaked out and be confused...a good friend will be needed.

  6. At two weeks late, she should definitely test. It could be a light period for her, as well. The only way to tell is if she TESTS. Otherwise, we cannot predict much. It sounds like she's on her period, but it could also be impantation bleeding.

  7. you have cramps when your prego. doctor told me it was normal. but i don't know about the bleeding on and off maybe she need to go to the doctor i mean what is she's having a miscarriageige

  8. Something very similar happened to me when I was preggers with my first child. I was 5 weeks too. Tell her to take a test , if she is 5 weeks along then a test will show it. Tell her congrats if she is. If it's negative then I would see a doc to find out why such a weird period. Good Luck to her.

  9. At the beginning of pregnancy, it is not uncommon to have some spotting around the time your period would have started.  It's called implantation bleeding. There may also be some cramping associated with this.  Many women complain of PMS type symptoms then their period never starts.  The best thing to do is take a test so she knows for sure.  

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