
Is this normal at all?

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i just turned 13 years old, and im about 4 ft 11inches(maybe 11+1/2 inches) and i weigh 85 pounds. Most of my friends are taller than me and they get like so tall so quickly lol. What is the age range that you get your growthspurt, do you just think that im gonna get it late, or did i just get a small growthspurt? And if i tryed new foods would that make a huge difference of how tall i would get? Also what are some ways and foods to eat in order to gain pounds, but good pounds(like muscle)Thanks




  1. maybe you have insecurities ...

    but dont let this insecurities mess your life...

    it not the height my frend...

    it doesn't mean that if they have the height..

    they are better than you...

    :about food:

    eat food rich in protein like egg...

    it will bring you lean muscle..of course with matching exercise...

  2. I imagine that time is what you'll need.  As long as your diet is reasonable, you'll maximize your growth over the next 6-7 years, and put on plenty of weight to go with it.  Genetics is the main factor to influence height...too bad you and me didn't get to choose our parents huh...  I'm 5'8 adult.

    Working out, in almost any way will be useful, but as the growth hormones are kicking in, they also are really useful to pack on muscle easier than at almost any time.

    You might talk to a nutritionist to ask about the most healthy foods for growth.  If you are further concerned, about your age etc relative to size, see a doctor, but you seem to be in the range of what we'd expect.

  3. don't focus too much on it (not much you can really do) pubety works differently in people so just live life well and before you know it you will be taller and more developed.  So relax.  
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