My daughter can talk about the solar system, do math drills all day, reads entire books alone, & taught herself cartwheels to name a few. She has a sweet/calm demenor and lives for our praise. The problem is she doesn't follow simple instructions. Remebering to put away her dishes, brushing teeth, bringing homework home, paying attention in dance class or cheer... You can give her step by step instructions and she will either do half of what you ask in a hurried frenzy or stare at you blankly. Her dance instructors and cheer coaches have both commented from time to time it's as if she's on another planet and they can't get her to focus, she daydreams. Her classroom teacher hasn't noticed it, she does well at school. It happens at home daily - upsetting. Her father and I divorced 3 yrs ago but she sees him every 2 wks. Not really any family stress. She gets 10-11 hrs of sleep each night. Is this normal for age 6? What can I do to improve her focus and memory? It's becoming more frequent