
Is this normal coming from a married man? HONEST ANSWERS, PLEASE!?

by  |  earlier

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A married man always stares at one woman he works with, smiles a lot at her, always tries to run into her, drops what he's doing to say hi, never moves out of her way when she's walking by (even though he knows she will have to "squeeze by" - and he moves for other people!); holds the door for her everywhere and makes it clear he's doing it just for her...

He casually touches her hand and keeps his there; he gets really close to her when talking, checks out her body, makes time for her when he's really busy just because she asked for something... The other day, she went to ask him a question and didn’t know he was on the phone; she motioned that she’d come back, but didn’t. The next day, she was just walking by, he was really busy, but still said hi and, with an embarrassed look on his face, asked “I’m sorry about the other day… I was on the phone, you wanted to ask me a question?”.

He knows that this woman is also married and pregnant – and so is his wife. He always stops her to ask how she’s doing (with the pregnancy and “everything”), and has shared about his wife’s pregnancy and complained…

Do these things mean he’s interested in her? Is it normal for him to always look for contact, especially when he’s way above her at work?




  1. No it's not normal behaviour at all.

  2. He is interested in this woman. And there really is no reason for a man to put his hands on another woman in the work place. She needs to tell him his actions are making her uncomfortable and he needs to keep to his space unless work call for them to meet.

  3. you learn these things in kindergarten,  of course he is interested something about you,  oh excuse me her got his attention in a serious way and he wants to have s*x with her

  4. I think it is just playful flirting because you have been posting this so long by now they should have had s*x or went out or something if it was more.

  5. nope .... that man has crush on the lady.........

  6. Lets get real and be honest that the woman in this story is YOU !

    I think you are reading way to more into nothing. When a man is checking you out doesn't mean that he wants to sleep with you or is in love with you. Remember, we can look but not touch.

  7. How many times are you going to ask that question?!

  8. Yes he is interested in her and it is very very very very wrong.  

  9. It is sexual harassment, beleive it or not, and he should be arrested.

  10. Yes I would say he is definitely interested. But what I want to know is, is she?

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