
Is this normal? fish tank issue

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on my fish tank theres like food and p**p all over but my fish seem happy is this good for the tank or bad?




  1. it is good to clean your tank once every week or two. i notice that when my fish has stuff floating around he gets more lethargic than when he has a clean tank. don't be discouraged if he's a little slow for a day or so after the cleaning, some fish don't like going into new water at first. but in the end, it's a lot healthier for them and they are less susceptible to disease.

  2. is okay but u might get algae. trust me ...done that...and is horrible!

  3. No its bad you need to get a filter or get a better one, just cause fish seem happy dont always mean they are or are healthy, maybe they are though but id still do something about it. it will be better for your fish and will look better aswell.

    hope i helped. : )

  4. uneaten food will build up algae and cloud your water. make sure your filter is working properly too. make sure to vacuum your tank out every week or so to pick up extra waste in the gravel/substrate.

  5. Uneaten food is BAD, means you are overfeeding the fish , and risk a buildup of ammonia or at least nitrate in the tank. Likewise fish p**p will be broken down by bacteria and increase the level of chemicals in the water.

    Short term the fish may be OK, but long term you will get a buildup of toxins that stress the fish and leave them vulnerable to diseases. Best to break out the gravel vac and clean up the gunge and change some water,

    Your fish will thank you for it.


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