
Is this normal for 23 weeks prego?

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when i relax my stomach sticks out,...but not very far,...but if I want to i can suck it in. Is this normal? how do i know the baby is growing right? I worry that she is too small.




  1. Its normal, just try not to suck your stomach in. Sometimes, I when Im just relaxing though, Im notice that I am not really sucking it in, but that im kinda tensing up my stomach muscles. Im guessing thats what you mean by sucking it in lol. And your doctor will tell you if your baby's not growing right, you just dont need to worry about it. Although worrying is just apart of a mothers job. :) its all going to be fine.

  2. I wouldn't suggest sucking in your stomach. Have you not been to the doctor? Only they can tell you if the baby is growing right.

  3. Well How much have you gained all together since being pregnant? Long at your gaining weight then i say your baby is and its fine. When i was 24 weeks i had only gained 14 pounds total and it never really went up just a few pounds every month but eventually my last two months you gain weight very fast.. When you get a Little farther they will start giving you sonograms and measure the baby and they will be able to tell you if your baby's growing right and about how much it weighs. Trust me I know exspecilly if this is your first baby you never know what to exspect because you never been though this, and your always worrying, but its just better to relax and not stress, when you stress your babys stress just remmber that! GOOD LUCK!

  4. It's completely normal.  I didn't even start showing until I was 6 1/2 months pregnant.  I'm now 37 weeks and have only gained 19 lbs.  I weighed 135 lbs when my pregnancy was confirmed at 6 weeks and now weigh 154 lbs.  People tell me all the time that I don't look as far as I am.  If only I had a quarter for everytime I heard that... :-)  Consider it a blessing.  Maybe you'll have less weight to lose after you have the baby.

    About the baby growing normally, my baby weighed 5 lbs. 14 oz at 36 weeks and my doctor said that was perfectly normal.  I always thought that since I had not gained a lot of weight and barely showed that she would be smaller than average, which is not the case.  Fret not, your baby will be fine.  :-)  Good luck!

  5. Yup!  That's normal!  My first son I would try to push my stomach out to look more second I tried to suck it in to look less fat. :)  Don't worry about it, and your baby will grow Great!  She'll grow really fast in the last 2 months and set any worries at ease.  Your doctor also measures your stomach at your appointment, and if she's worried at all, will tell you.  My doctor would always say "Just right!" and I would be SO relieved, every time!

    When I was a little further along in my pregnancy, I would go swimming, and I discovered if I layed on my back in the lake (you have to use certain muscles in your stomach to do that), my belly would get a funny shape - like you could SEE the outline of the baby - and it would stick WAY out and I would be like "Look!  I'm a Whale!" because all you could see was this huge Bump in the water!  I thought it was so funny...

    So, the moral of the story is, your baby is fine, your stomach will change all sorts of shapes, depending on your baby's positioning (my second babe decided to take up as much room as possible and possition himself with his face & feet towards my spine and his back against my stomach and I was HUGE - even the doctor said "oh that can't be comfortable" and told me how he was positioned).

    It's very  normal to not show too much in your first pregnancy.  I really started to "pop" closer to the 6 month stretch.

  6. When I was 23 weeks pregnant people could not tell I was even pregnant.  People show at different times and everyone is different. I worried about the same thing.  My dr said that as long as I am gaining weight there isn't a problem.  Just make sure that you are going to your monthly appointments.

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