
Is this normal for a 13 yr old girl??!!?

by  |  earlier

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please dont say anything offending, but a few weeks back i had s*x with my boyfriend (now my ex), its a long story but a few of my dance crew members found out, and my boyfriend told one of my classmates and it lead to one thing to another.

im not pregnant, but this parts embarassing... anytime i get stressed i feel horny? like i cant stop thinking about s*x? i feel retarded for even saying it but how can i get rid of it? it was hard for me to pay attention in class because i worried about my looks, and i would flirt with guys when the teachers were talking. please help me get rid of this feeling??? and masturbation makes it worse for me!! plus im starting a new skool... thx so much




  1. 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... jesus christ, you will regret that when you are older 100% guaranty that hun.

  2. wow. 13. i swear, its the tv.

  3. s*x at 13 is WRONG. but you made a mistake so i forgive you. idk how to help your hornyness though, m********e? and dont have s*x with guys who wont love you!!!

  4. some pro. help I think would really help you. you need to find a real person to tell your problems to

  5. 13??????????????????????????????????????...

    Oh my, why so young??????????

    Gosh, I hope you were protected.

    Sorry, I don't have any advice for you on this one, I am still in shock that you had s*x that young.


  6. just remember how bad you felt last time you went through with that one moment's "desires"... also, i know im not really the person to be telling you this, but please realize what you are doing as far as s*x goes, i mean, you're 13 so take it slow!

  7. I'm 14, so I must admit that I'm not all wise and whatnot,

    but I have to say that s*x at 13 is wrong. And if the boys you

    know know that you had s*x in the past and that you

    are acting interested in them, they might take advantage

    of you, and probably loose respect for you.

    My advice would be to try not to act so flirtatious for awhile.

    Just until the rumours die down. But definately don't have

    s*x again until you know that your boyfriend loves you and

    is planning to stay. I personally think that you should wait

    until your older. Atleast 17? I don't know. I would wait until

    I was engaged or had a promise ring. s*x can scar people.

    I hope this helped.


  8. okay that was young. but the important thing is that youre not pregnant. this would have ruined your life completely but youre not so at least there is still light at the end of the tunnel.

    now as far as the getting horny when stressed part...well i cant really help you with it. i was gonna say just masturbating cause its safer but since you said its worse then i wouldnt recommend it then. all i can say is dont do it again until youre older just to be safe. and definately no flirting in class cause already the whole losing it at 13, and now with flirting and your dance crew members finding could give you a bad label

    so really just find out what relaxes you and use it when youre stressed. like me when im down i listen to music and it pretty much does the work. not right away ofcourse but its a good way of getting it out.

    not sure what else i could advice. but at least you admit it and arent in denial like some people and you want to make the situation better. (and ps dont freak dance at least not until in highschool as this can only lead to bad things)

    sorry i cant advice with anything else. the only resort i can think of is talking to a psychiatrist or someone who deals with sexual stuff and psychology cause the problem seems to deal with the two

  9. is normal 4 u to think and do...there is about 6 13/14 year olds n my school and none of them are virgins...including yes

  10. I think it the reason could possibly be that you are new to s*x; so it's all fascinating, and what not. I suggest you just let this "phase" subside, hopefully over time it'll wear off. Until then, if you are still having these tendencies and are still sexually active, you should REALLY use protection. Although, I think you really shouldn't if your impulse to do it is stress---Not health. Good luck.

  11. jo jo right you need help in a hurry    and it under age s*x too  

  12. *sigh* the youth of today

  13. idk ask for help from a certified professional?

    thirteen is wayy too young.

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