
Is this normal for a 15 year old?

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I'm 15, 5'5 and used to be like 4'10 when i was 12 and had my growth spurt when i was 13 and i have barely grown since then. Will i have another growth spurt?




  1. yes its perfectly normal. You still have alot of growing left to do however. So relax and dont stress so much over your growth! Boys grow until their 18-21 yrs old. You 15 so count how many years you have left. Its just not gonna be dramatic growing haha.

  2. i am 17 and 5'2 there no way to tell when and if you will grow again. i havent grown since i was 14.  

  3. Calm down.  Yes.  Yes, Nico, you are normal.

    There is a HUGE range for "normal" in humans.

    For some men, 5'3" is "normal" in their families.  For others, all the men (and some of the women!) regularly grow to be over 6'.  A lot depends on your family genetics.  

    Are you from a family of tall people or are they short?  How tall is your dad?  Your uncles?  Your grandfather?  All that helps to give you a picture of where you might end up.

    Aside from that, I think I hear some anxiety about your general physical development from a boy into a man.  I've taught s*x ed for many many years at the high school level.  I'm totally comfortable talking about this stuff in groups of teens--and here, online.

    Remember, please, that everything you read/hear refers to some mythical "normal", a pretend, doesn't-really-exist-in-the-real-world "average". No one is totally normal or average.  Every teenage boy develops in his own way, at his own time.  

    That said...

    Some healthy boys begin changes of puberty as early as age 9 while others don't even start until age 14.

    (My 12-year old son is going to be a "late bloomer".  Some of his friends are almost shaving--but definitely not him!  Remember that, eventually, everyone grows and develops and changes from a boy into a man.  Everyone.)

    On AVERAGE, boys take 3 ¼ years to go completely though the physical changes of puberty, with a range of 2 to 6 years.

    Puberty is a time of very rapid physical growth. The AVERAGE boy grows 11 inches during his growth spurt years. By the time boys reach age 17 or 18, the growth associated with puberty will have ended for most of them and they will have reached physical maturity.

    General age guide for boy's development.

    (There is a LOT of variance!)

    Age 9 -12

    Enlargement of the testicles is the FIRST PHYSICAL SIGN of puberty in boys. When the testicles measure more than one inch in length, puberty has begun. This usually starts at ages 11 ½ to 12, but may begin as early as age 9 to 9 ½. The right testis is usually larger than the left testis, and the left testis usually sits lower in the s*****m than the right. Shortly after enlargement of the testicles is seen, the p***s starts to grow longer.

    Age 12 - 12 ½

    Pubic hair growth usually begins at about this time with a small amount of hair at the base of the p***s. The hair gradually becomes darker, thicker and curlier and spreads upward and outward. Underarm hair and "adult" underarm odor also usually begin to develop at about this time.

    Age 12 ½ -13

    Many boys notice some localized breast tissue enlargement at about this time. A firm "knot," which is often tender, forms underneath the nipple. This may occur on just one side or may start on one side then develop on both sides. This breast enlargement is normal and may last up to two years in boys, and then it disappears.

    Age 13 -13 ½

    The p***s continues to grow. Pubic hair continues to spread upward and outward. The body begins to gain weight, muscle mass and increase in height at a faster pace. Boys may have nocturnal emissions, also known as "wet dreams."

    Age 13 ½ -15

    A boy is USUALLY growing his fastest at age 14-15. At this time the AVERAGE boy is growing at a rate of 3 ¾ to 4 inches a year!

    Age 14 -15

    Voice changes can occur as early as age 12 but most boys experience deepening of the voice between the ages of 14 and 15. Facial acne may become a problem. As most boys approach their 15th birthday, facial hair develops.

    Age 15 -17

    Most boys reach adult penile length by this age. The average ‘gently stretched’ penile length in a male at age 16 is 4 ¾ inches but there is a GIGANTIC RANGE of “normal”. Pubic hair now covers the whole pubic area and has spread to the inside of the thighs.

    Age 16-18

    Most boys reach their adult height by this age, although some normal "late bloomers" will continue to grow into their 20s. Even though the physical height that a boy reaches at this age may be his final adult height, emotional growth and increasing control over emotional swings continues throughout the teenage years and into the mid-20s.

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