
Is this normal for a 16 year old girl?

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Sometimes I feel like I can't make decisions because one day I want one thing and the next I want something else. I just feel like I don't trust myself to make decisions because I change my mind so much. For instance, just a month ago I wanted to play varsity vball and then play in college. But now, I have completely changed my mind and only want to play intramural vball. This is huge for me because I used to want to make varsity SOOOO much. Is there something wrong with me? Or is this just normal for a girl my age??




  1. You are maturing.....having to make your own decisions for the first time in your life.  Scarey...worried you are not making the right ones.  Just know and trust yourself...and know in your heart that it is okay to change your mind whenever and wherever you want and it will be okay....HUGS!!

  2. Yep, you sound like a normal teenager. I have an 18 year old and two years ago (her sophomore year) she was doing a lot of experimenting with her interests and extra curriculars. Don't feel pressured to jump into just one thing or one category.

    But if you think you're jumping around from one interest to another too much or too often, maybe try sticking one out for just a little bit longer. It may be that you'll find a new group of friends in a new interest area and then want to stay with that longer. And you know it's always good to have a few more friends.  

  3.       I have the same problem a lot. I just don't know sometimes because its like you REALLY want something & then you want something else too. I mean I just had this choice about hair products... & I was like WHOA... I really wanted both... but had to make a decision... But... just try & follow what you think you should do... If you make the right choice you do... if not you learn from your mistakes!!! & after all that is how we learn...from our mistakes. When you were a baby you didn't start out walking right away... you had to Fall a couple of times... but in the end you can walk now!!!

    So you see not every wrong choice is a bad one... But if it is a life altering choice maybe you should a close friend < maybe a older one >

    but I hope I helped, even if its just the slightest bit

  4. this is completely normal; especially at your age, because these decision will help you construct a base for your future! regardless you'll follow your heart! you'll be fine, i would of been worried if at your age you didnt have this problem! lol

  5. It's absolutely normal. I went through this myself, and so did most other teenagers (not just the girls) I've ever known. You're at the threshold of your life and have a lot of options now - of course you're going to change your mind sometimes!

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