Occasionally, I get these feelings that my friend will somehow worsen my day. If something stupid happens(not ALL the time) I get this odd, creepy feeling it might have been her. I be especially generous/nice if I think it was her so that she won't do it again. Whenever I say she'll 'somehow' worsen my day, I mean not in the physical sense.
Whenever something stupid happens and I think it might've been her..I feel like I must've p.issed her off somehow for her to do that. But I don't do anything. It's hard to explain.
If something does happen, I think my shirt may have caused it. So, I don't wear that certain shirt for a while until it feels 'safe' again. I know it seems superstitious, but I don't go around wearing 'lucky necklaces' and things.
Please don't say I blame my problems on her. I see how it can seem like that..but I don't sit there and think "Oh, I feel bad, time to blame things on my friend" It's this creepy feeling that she is doing things. It's a burden. I haven't told her this. I keep it to myself.
one last thing: I sometimes sense this malevolent presence in my bedroom. I know that sounds stupid but it is also sometimes a burden. Just feel hatred towards me in there.