
Is this normal for a 3 week old?

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i changed my son's diaper and i notice his p**p was gray not hard it was gray and kinda runny.i havent changed formula is this normal?




  1. He is probably fine if he has no other issues.  My daughter had some funky colors in her diaper!!  A few times it even looked like a gray-blue color.  

    You can call the DR tomorrow to be on the safe side, but unless there is something else wrong with him, it is just another color of the p**p rainbow!  best wishes!

  2. I don't think it's normal for gray.  I know that it will be yellow, brown and green.  But I would call your pediatrician,  I'm sure they will have a nurse answer your question.

  3. gray stool is not very common. I would probably wait it out and see if it continues to happen.  If it does, i would see the pediatrician.  I know gray stools are often related to lack of bilirubin in the stool that is produced from either the gullbladder or liver.  I cant remember which one.  I work as a nurse and i know that grey stools are not normal and usually indicate lack of bilirubin (i think its bilirubin).  I also have 12 week old baby and she has had greenish black stools (meconium), seedy looking stools (breast milk), yellow and brownish stools runny and soft.  But never any gray stools.  She poops like crazy too!! Sometimes it smells and sometimes it doesnt.

    Dont worry though.  It could be the formula but please see a pediatrician or look up grey stools on the internet and find out as much as you can.  If the baby is gaining weight and isnt irritable or running a  fever of over 38 axilla, i dont think its that serious.  If possible, take a sample of the grey stool and put it in a pill container or something and show the doctor.

  4. baby poops are all shapes and colors :-) nothing to be alarmed about.

  5. It's probably fine. When my daughter was a few weeks old, she had neon yellow p**p a few times. Call the doc if you're really worried.

  6. Your gonna see all kinds of colors while he"s getting you out of his system. Give it at least another week, before worrying.

  7. Here is a great website that can help you with a lot of the questions that moms keep asking themselves.

  8. I have seen all kinds of colors and poops from my 4 week old daughter..It might be normal but to be save always call her Dr..

  9. I dont think that is normal. Some formulas have very unique stool patterns but regular enfamil should not have or result in any gray stool

  10. i would call the doctor maybe he would suggest to change the formula

  11. Sounds fine I would wait a week or so before i got concerned their p**p can be all kinds of colors.

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