
Is this normal for a 3 year old?

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My son is 3 1/2. He has been learning to read, or identify and sound out letters I should say, lol. However, I've noticed that he does it backwards most of the time, starting from right to left rather than reading the letters from left to right. I've noticed him write this way on occasion also. Is this normal for his age or is this a sign of something else? Thanks!!




  1. For a 3 1/2 year old, I'd say it's normal. If he continues to do this when he gets into grade school, then I'd mention it to the doc.  

  2. Its normal b/c that is the way that is easiest and most convenient to him. He hasn't yet learned that we read left to right and write that way as well. You could try encouraging him but eventually his creativity in this process will most likely disappear by the time he is in school... or it may not...and this is okay. It doesn't sound like dyslexia...I had a friend that wrote words from the middle out. So long as they are reading it correctly (cow instead of woc) is doesn't really matter HOW they write so long as they do. I equate it to telling some drawing a circle starting from the left and coming around to the right is wrong, when its really not, b/c they are still drawing a circle.  

  3. My mom said that I used to do that. I read/wrote backwards. I am perfectly fine. All my mom did was show me that I was doing it wrong. But just in case it's not the same situation, you should probably tell your doctor

  4. yes very normal and it will come correctly with time and practise.

    at this age, just starting with recognizing the letters and the sounds they make is all you need. Once he gets that, then you can start with the capitals and lower cases and get him to know those and what ones go with which. Then you can start the printing them out...

    You don't want to overwhelm him at this age with reading and blending letters, unless of course he is advanced and ready for that. If he can print his name, and has started recognizing letters and numbers, he is ready for kindergarten. they don't learn to read until grade one for the most part.

  5. My daughter's just over 3 and she's exactly the same. A few times she's written her name backwards or read out letters to me left to right. I just put it down to part of the learning process. They didn't learn how to count, sing songs, etc without making mistakes many many times.

  6. Totally normal.  3 1/2 is pretty young to be sounding out letters but directionality (left-to-right progression) is a 50/50 proposition for them at that age.  When you read to him, if you run your finger along the bottom of the words from left to right (obviously) he may pick it up sooner but it's no worries at all.  I wouldn't even mention it to him.  It could tend to overwhelm at this stage. He'll pick it up more when he starts to write his name. Sounds like a smart cookie you got there.

    Edit: No prob. Wow, those are some impressive fine-motor skills for a little guy! Sounds like you're well on the right track. :)

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