
Is this normal for a 4 year old boy to be saying this?

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He was in the bathroom while I was in the shower!...I didn't know. So when i was about to get out i saw him in the bathroom. So i was like Andre get out!...And he said "I need a girlfriend"..So when i was done getting dress I said "Andre why did u say you need a girlfriend when i told you to get out the bathroom"...He said Cause him "Pee pee was sticking up"


I just started laughing. I didn't know what to say?

Is that normal for a 4 year-old to be saying




  1. don't worry, it is a bit funny though, but normal, i have a 3 year old son, who is just done with toilet training. he is now going through a phase that he undresses himself ( until he i but naked!)in public, and then be playing with his 'peepee!' he goes into his friends garden, and then he just pulls his pants down, and stands and weewee in the garden! but only thing is watch what they see on tv, or hear outside, because he might get those language from people outside, just keep an eye on him!

  2. that is funny . chances are he just heard it from someone , and probably doesnt know what it means. i say he will forget allabout it .

  3. no never

    this quite awkward or strange that a 4 year old boy is saying like this

    u should keep a watch on ur child

  4. time for a lock on the bathroom door.

  5. ask him some more questions. because he had to learn from somewhere that when his pee pee was sticking up he needed a girlfriend..children aren't born knowing s*x or sexual things.they are son thought his pee pee was broke when he "got one", and I had to explain know honey that will happen sometimes but it will go away..they don't know these need to enquire that he hasn't been messed with..but you've got to do it at his level..

  6. I have an 8 year old and he still shocks me sometimes. Your son wouldn't have said that if he hadn't heard it somewhere. Kids don't automatically associate their privates as something to be shared with a girlfriend. I would ask him who told him such a thing and talk to that person about teaching your son things that are not age appropriate; especially if he is in school or day care. That would be an embarrassing thing for him to say to one of the other children.

  7. Obviously he learned that from TV or someone who is around that age are not smart enough to make the connection between an erection and does he even know that a p***s is used for s*x?

    No it's not normal.

  8. aaaaaaaah...out of the mouths of babes!  honestly, nothing that kids say anymore surprises me!  it is normal?  probably not.  is there cause for concern?  i'd find out what they're teaching that kid in preschool and daycare!

  9. My aunt who has a real b*****d of a husband had a baby daughter, whose first word eventually came out to be "b*****d", imagine that?

    Children learn what you let them hear, so keep him away from any negative influences.

  10. You may have corrrected him in telling him that it's a p***s.  Or do you call other body parts by baby names as well?  What do you call an arm or a leg?

  11. Totally normal. My 3 year old son says weird things like that all the time. They are just curious, they don't know it's I just treat it like he just told me the sky is blue "oh, really?, well, that's nice"  and get on with my day. Every time we go to the store and pass the bra section he says, "hey, mom, are these your empty boobies?" And I can't tell you how many times I hear in a day "My weener (this or that)". I say it's perfectly normal.

  12. well... it's not everyday you hear a four year old say that, but most likely they picked it up from somewhere, and i'm sure they're bound to forget it later.

    but my suggestion is to put a lock on the door next time you take a shower though :]

  13. The only reason a 4 year old would relate his peepee with needing a girlfriend is if he is getting too much info from his parents.  Most boys will get an erection at random times but a 4 year old should not relate that to girls. Look into this further and find out why he knows his pee pee is for girls.  Perhaps he is watching you and your man get it on and see's what his pee pee is for.

  14. That is not funny at all. thats sick... a four year old knows that his p***s is sticking up to connect that with women. i.e. s*x.  A four year old...they should be reading books about trains not looking at playboy

  15. That's somewhat disturbing....

    Is there some older male (big brother, your SO, etc.) he might have learned that from?  4 years old is a bit young to be discussing what erections are for...

  16. I dont think so...I think he must have seen something sexual in order to associate his pee pee sticking up with a this point, I would just explain to him that he's not old enough for a girlfriend, and when he is bigger like mommy and daddy, then he can have a girlfriend. I dont think you should make a big deal out of what he said though, or he might be ashamed, or keep saying things like that. Maybe try to down play it, and he will leave it alone...that would be soo funny though. I've got two boys of my own!

  17. well if they hear it from someone or somewhere else i guess it is. lol that is funny tho

  18. LOL, awwww kids are so cute!

    I wouldn't say its abnormal, but it's definitely normal for them to shock you with things like that!

  19. What's normal here is the fact that your 4-year-old is repeating something that has been told to him. Your concern should not be that he said it, but why he has said it. I'm surprised at the number of people who said to ignore it! This should raise concern in you for different reasons. Does he attend pre-school or in-home daycare? Is he hearing this from older children that he is around? Is he watching television inappropriate for his age? I don't mean to scare you because I have a toddler of my own, but at this age you have to be very careful in explaining that children's privates are their own. If this was my child (and perhaps this is exaggerating) I'd be very concerned that there was some sort of abuse occurring, but then again I am a very paranoid mother. I'm not saying this is the case, you just have to be 100% sure about where he's getting this concept from, because 4-years-old is much to young to understand the dynamics of s*x. As someone also said, I recommend not making it seem bad that he said this because you don't want your child to feel ashamed.

  20. well if there's someone who said "I need a girlfriend" around your child, they just remember it! for example, my cousin said

    "what the h**l" and then my four year old sister yelled, "what the h**l" she doesn't say it anymore!! *~*

  21. Yes you should be a little concerned--children only speak and show what they have watched or heard. And if things like that are going on then you should probably think how that is affecting him psychologically. You could do real damage to who he is as a person if you do not become a little OCD about who he is around-what he hears and sees-music-media--everything. He should not even know that an erection has anything to do with females---

  22. NEVER be surprised by what a child will say...

  23. I don't really think so, why would he know a sticking up pee pee has any relations to a girlfriend at his age. Obviously he has repeated what he has heard that is normal for a 4 year old.

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