
Is this normal for a 9 month old baby?

by  |  earlier

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I have been having an issue with my daughter lately.

When I take something away, when I say no, Or when I put her for a nap, She screams. Like an absolute Shrill Murderous Cry. She had a bottle of cream in her hands and I took it out.. She LOST IT>>>

What do I do?? Is this a normal stage...




  1. yes this is so normal. It means your baby is smart, and is telling you she wants a particu lar item or wants to be up. she's developing  a preferance.And feels safe to express herself. just redirect her when she wants what she can't have, and reassure her at nap time and check on her, but she will learn nap time is nap  time if you don't get her up.

  2. My son does this! I just thought he watched my 3 year old throw a fit and picked it up from her. I think they are just trying to voice their frustration in the only way they know how. I just tell him to stop and he'll do one last little grunt and crawl away. He's almost one by the way.

  3. definitly normal!!! just stay persistant with saying no and it will pay off.!! dont give in mommy hang in there! i know its hard

  4. Yes, that's PERFECTLY normal.  

  5. omg dont u hate that!  my daughter does the samething she started doing that around 8 months old. now shes 1 years old.  and the screams just get louder.  boys are so different they cry. when their mad or just crying.  but girls they scream.  

    mother of 2 ~

    5 year old boy_  1 year old girl_

  6. oh normal and youll start getting gray hair in this

    my daughter started doing this at around the same age...after awhile i actually started giving her timeouts when she would act like this when she was being bad or mean.  she stopped doing it so often..she would still do it when she was just playing or wanting attention but i was ok with

  7. perfectly normal, be patient. They are learning how to control their environment. you want to be calm and not reinforce this type of behavior she''ll realize that she can't control her enviroment in this manner and develop another tactic eventually with your help and guidance she learn a good  way too manipulate ;-) you into getting her way thats usually from the age of like 5-11. then they start screaming

    and throwing fits again

  8. yes my son does that also and has since he was about 9 mo

  9. heh. been there. my son has started that screeching also, hes 10 months old. he also has quiet a temper. i'm guessing the neighbors think we are killin him. he screams when hes happy, or sad or just for giggles, LOL. i'm thinkin its a stage....ok i'm hoping it is :)

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