
Is this normal for a 9 year old?

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I was walking past my daughter's bedroom earlier today, she's nine (turns 10 in June) and I heard some kind of heavy breathing and thought she was crying, so I pushed open the door quietly and saw she was lying on her bed with her hand inside her pants masturbating. I didn't say anything, I just went back out her room and she had her eyes closed, so she didn't see me. I'm just worried that this seems very young, she's not even 10 yet. Anyone else have any experience with this? Should I talk to her about it, or just leave her to it?




  1. That is a little bit too young; just keep an eye on her so she doesn't get involved with boys at such an early age, but it seems that she's discovered her body so not much you can do there.

  2. thats a lil young id say....but i wouldnt call it unnormal. I presonally started learning myself at about can always call a pediatrician ad ask they might be able to answer. I would deffinately say its time to start having the talks with her at this point though. My parents ignored everything and I regretfully became sexually active shortly later. Wish you and her all the best! Your babys growin up!:)

  3. It's perfectly normal, as long as she isn't doing it too much which could mean that she is very bored.

    Just ensure that she has not been touched inappropriately by anyone.  It's always worth checking to be safe rather than sorry.

  4. Exploring your body and finding out something is pleasant is perfectly normal. I discovered my Daughter was masterbating when she was just 10. She would be watching TV and would sit with her hand between her legs and gently rub, it was evident she was enjoying it.

    All I did was tell her to do that in her own room. We had several chats about what she was doing. It was obvious that she got herself very wet from it. I also suggested to her that she remove her knickers and do it. I also one day found that she was wearing a pair of my best silk knickers,asking her why she said it feels real nice when I rub through them. I bought her a couple of pairs of her own.

    She discovered the joys of a vibrator at around 11 - I caught her using 1 of mine, not inside just over the outside. She got her own 1 soon after that and soon learned where it goes.

    Stopping your daughter doing this sends the message that its wrong and therfore becomes something bad and done in secret. I am pleased I am able to be open and my daughter feels confident to ask about these things.

  5. You should talk with her about it but don't let her know that you saw anything. That will make her feel ashamed. This is the time to bring up all those thing us parents hate talking about with our kids. Make sure it is just you and her when you bring up the birds and the bee's. And yes this is normal for her to do this.She has all kinds of thing going through her mind right now, and the best thing you can so is be there for her. Always remember that she is only human just like you.

  6. supposedly it is a normal healthy thing.  she does seem a tad bit young, but think about this............. girls are getting their periods younger too because of  all the hormones in our foods.  i personally only buy organic eggs, milk and meats.  so her hormones may be developing earlier than yours and mine.  good luck!!

  7. Its pretty normal...

    Just go on like you saw nothing.

    Shes comfortable with her body and shes experimenting with what feels good.

    My daughters half sister.... did this all the time as young as 3 years old. Its less common in girls but its still normal.

  8. Yes, it is normal. You should tell her what it is.

  9. I remember when I was younger I used to like to put my blanket between my legs and rub back and forth. I even did it in front of my parents. They told me to stop. I didn't realise it was wrong to do that. I didn't realise it was masturbating at the time!

    Your daughter may only be exploring her body a little which is perfectly normal.

  10. I started masturbating when I was 9! Its totally normal! Your a wonderful parent for understanding her feelings and not going crazy when you saw what she was doing. My mom once caught me masturbating when I was 11 and she went CRAZY!

    Anyways, I started masturbating when I was 9. I didnt know if what I was doing was healthy, or if it was going to hurt me, but I continued to do it. Then when I was about 12 I learned on the internet that what I was doing was totally normal. And Now im 13 and still do it weekly.

    Personally, I think you should just leave her be and let her enjoy herself. She will eventually learn what masturbating is.


  12. leave her to it!

    at least she's helping herself, not using a boy to do it....  lol

    it would be time for "the talk" about std's and such though

  13. I would be wondering where did she learn that from? At that age I really don't think it is normal to be masturbating. Any way definitely pick up a book or something. Or Talk to your doctor.

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