
Is this normal for a dog?

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ok so here the deal my mom thinks our dog pregnant because she throwing up evryday

do dogs throw up like pregnant women do ?




  1. good question...... if her nibbles are getting big then that may can tell you a sign

  2. does your dog run loose without supervision? do strays come in your yard when you're not looking? dogs don't just suddenly become pregnant without a member of the opposite s*x being involved.

    lots of "is my dog pregnant" questions today, weird.  

  3. Doubtful.  Are her nipples getting large and tender? That's usually a sign.

  4. Ive never heard of "morning sickness" as a pregnancy symptom in dogs.

    She needs to be examined by a vet.. a stomach virus or food allergy are more likely.

  5. Maybe you should put it down.

  6. If she is puking every day and her gut is swelling, I'd be more inclined to believe she is in desperate need of a good worming. Of course, a pregnant dog can have worms, too, so that doesn't mean she isn't pregnant. Might want to get her to the vet. If it is both, that's gonna be really hard on mom and pups.

    Good luck!

  7. Absolutely not. Your dog could be very sick and you need to take her to the vet, pregnant or not.

  8. Some dogs throw up in the morning.  My puppy used to throw up as soon as he woke up in the mornings, after a week, we figured out that he was having his dinners too early so when he woke up, his digestive acids were irritating him.  So we ended up giving him a bit of kibble before bedtime, and his retching ceased.

    Maybe try pushing your dog's dinners later or giving them midnight snacks?  If the problem persists, I would take the dog to the vet to properly diagnose it.

  9. no not every day they dont throw up u should take it to the vet signs or pregnancy is the nipples if the are enlarging nd was she in heat so she could be pregnant like dogs outside ur house nd her part swollen or bleeding

  10. Not unusual, but it can be harmful if left unchecked.  Your dog may be allergic to her food.  Take her to the vet and have her checked out.  Better safe than sorry.

  11. It could be that your dog needs to eat more often.

  12. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but I've never heard of constant vomiting from pregnancy.

    If your dog is vomiting everyday, it is most likely another serious matter, such as an intestinal obstruction or a pyometra.

    An intestinal obstruction is an unedible object your dog has eaten that will not pass through the intestines because of its size, causing a blockage. Therefore, any food she eats will come back up since it cannot pass through, same with water. This will cause death if left untreated. If she does have a blockage, she will need surgery.

    A pyometra is an infection of the uterus. This can cause a very toxic environment and is very painful for the dog. It is where the uterus fills up with pus and can also cause death if left untreated. She will need surgery if this is the case.

    Either way, you must get her to a veterinarian immediately. Vomiting everyday is not good.

    Vet Tech.

  13. i would say a dog constantly throwing up his more than signs of pregnancy,a visit to the vets now is recomended..

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