
Is this normal for a girl going thru puberty...?

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ok....its really embarassing and only 13 and all....but im always kinda curious about s*x and sometimes think about havin it with this guy i like.....its so weird!

is this normal for a girl during puberty? cuz it makes me feel really uncomfortable




  1. Yes it's normal. Your horomones are just acting up

  2. No its not uncommon. If you have already started getting your period then it totally makes sense. Girls get horny/turned on during and before their period starts. Just don't turn these thoughts into actions! s*x is special and it would be a shame if someone took advantage of you. Having those thoughts are okay and a normal sign of growing up!

  3. It is normal, yeah.

    Just don't do anything you'll actually regret. It's ok to be curious about those sort of things though. I know talking to parents about that sort of stuff is awkward.. some girl websites like or might help to answer any questions you might have.

  4. yep its completely normal sweetie

  5. completely normal =]

  6. Yes, girl I think this is very normal.

    I went through the same thing a couple years ago.

    Just make sure you leave it at a feeling.Please don't give into the temptation and at this time in your life try not to put yourself in a situation where you are alone with this boy.You'll see when you get over him and like another boy you'll look back and be like "Man I'm glad I didn't do anyhting stupid."

    Its just a stage that everyone goes through.

  7. yes it is normal im going thru puberty to and i want to know everything about s*x. but i dont want to ask my parents cuz that is an akward disscussion.


  8. Yes it is perfectly normal.  You are reaching sexual maturity and have alot of hormones.  Just remember it is best you wait a few years but thinking about it is fine.

  9. Its absolutely normal, don't worry.

  10. iz normal

    but make sure u have control over urself


  11. me 2! i have the same prob and im 13

  12. it is completely normal but please i suggest you don't actually do it because that leads to all sorts of problems.............

  13. yep just normal teenage fantasy's dont pursue it though you are too young!

  14. It's perfectly normal. Just don't have s*x. You'll regret it!!

  15. It is absolutly positively normal im 16 and i still sometimes have those thoughts

  16. Omg I know I'm 13 too and I always wonder about it.

  17. very normal. my neice is 11 and is very open about these "fantasies."

  18. It is completley normal for you to be having these feelings. Everyone has different and unique feelings when they go through puberty.  

    Don't worry. You're fine. But maybe people don't all feel this way, so don't go and tell everyone.

  19. yah its normal

  20. Don't worry. I'm your age and what you should do is just hold it and know the guy longer if you want to do it with him or m********e. You can go to then kids site, then my story and read posts there. There are many people like you out there so just read and maybe you'll get your answer. Or you could go to and it'll give you more info.

  21. Um yea it means you like him witch means your not a l***o

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