
Is this normal for a newborn ????

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My daughter is a week old exactly and she has tears already since the day she was born is that normal. What do you think brought these tear so quick. Also her face , feet,hands, arms and legs are peeling rapidly whats up with that.




  1. Yes all of these things are very normal. I used to get up all of the time to check on my daughter because she has weird breathing patterns. You just have to realize that when she was in the whom she wasnt using her lungs for breathing they were just kind of there and she is still getting used to breathing on her own it will take at least a month for that to get normal. For the skin peeling she had all of that amniotic fluids on her when she was in your belly and its just know coming off. use baby lotion and it will be fine. All babies differ from when their tear ducts start working and it seems like hers started early! Good Luck! I know you baby is just perfect! CONGRATS!

  2. I don't know about the tears...I would not worry though.

    Emma had really bad dry skin and Aveeno Baby Cream worked wonders for her.

  3. On average, babies do not start producing tears into their 2nd month or so, but it is not unheard of for the tear ducts to be mature enough to produce tears at birth.

    The peeling will go away. Babies shed their newborn skin over the course of a few weeks. When you bathe her, gently rub at the areas that are peeling to loosen and wash away the skin and then put baby lotion on her to help keep her new skin below moisturized.

  4. Yes, all normal, however, I would not put lotions on your newborn.  Why put all that chemical stuff on them?  They don't need it.  Her skin is not peeling because it is dry and in need of some lotion.  

  5. It is normal for babies to shed a big of skin. If her eyes are constantly watering this doesn't sound so good. Just go to the doctor or see your midwife - it doesnt sound to me like you have anything to be extremely worried about, however, babies are so precious it is always best to get things checked out.

    All the best.

    *Im a mum, many nieces and a great-nephew and I have worked with children*

  6. all completely normal. put lotion on her skin.(why do you think they make baby lotion) she is just fine!

  7. aveeno lotion is the best!!!

    my week old breathes like that sure its normal

  8. I don't know about the tears, my guy is 3 mos and doesn't have them yet.  But peeling is very normal, and you do not need lotion to help it.  It is not dry skin, it is a layer os skin that is being shed.  Babies delivered by c-section will also peel more than vaginally-delivered babes.

    My guy's breathing was like that too...It's normal!  Nothing is more fun than being a first time mom!  We don't know what to expect!

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