
Is this normal for a person to see/have?

by  |  earlier

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Well i eat like a pig, lotta meat particularly.....but from m ankles to my toes, and from my wrist to my fingers it is really boney, you can see the bones, am i alright, is there anything wrong? , i don't really excersize, is that the cause?




  1. consult doctor

  2. there can be many factors contributing to this of which can be the body metabolism and weight distribution in the body. the body knows best how and where to distribute weight.if u have mentioned ur would have been better... try consulting a doctor and maintain a healthy diet..... but u should consult ur doctor.

    so u dont exercise huh? well i dont really know if that can be the main cause for such a condition..but it definately contributes to ur boney features which uve mentioned.

    its best to consult ur doctor...

  3. i have never seen that...are you over-weight?

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