
Is this normal for a tongue piercing?

by  |  earlier

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I just got my tongue done again for the 2nd time. I got it done 3 days ago and every time i brush my teeth the piercing starts to bleed. Not much but a little. Is it normal? Also i have a few questions,

1. How long does it take for it to stop hurting?

2. When can i change it?

3. What foods should i avoid?

4. Is it bad to talk alot when you get it done?




  1. bleeding comes from hitting the wound, be more gentle and slow brushing ur teeth, tongue wounds heal faster than u can imagine, just give it a Chance and,...

    1- as tongue is a moving organ, it may some time (4-6 days)

    2- u can change 7-10 days

    3- Hot stuff, spicy, beverages, extra hard stuff

    4- no its not bad, depending on what u say lol

    wish u good oral health, though i dont recommend piercing generally

  2. Don't take tynelol. Take pamprin or midol for the pain and welling. When you brush your teeth. Be carefull to avoid hitting the barbell. Brush around it when your brush your tonge. Use listerine to rinse your mouth. If it is bleeding use warm salt water to rinse with and it will help stop the bleeding. You need to rinse your mouth after everytime that you drink, eat, kiss (no open mouth), or smoke (if you do).

    Wash your hands well and turn the bar a few times a day and rinse after you do. If you have some build up on it, use a q-tip with a little listerine on it to gently get the buil up off. The rinse your whole mouth.

    Don't play with it. In other words, don't click the ball back in forth over your teeth, don't twist your tounge all over the play. And do not touch it with dirty fingers.

    Do not change it until it is completely healed. It may take 2 months for it to heal.

    You dont have to avoid certian foods. Just take small bites and go easy when you chew your food.

    The only thing you absolutley have to avoid is gum. It doesn't matter what kind, chewing or bubble. It will get wrapped around the bar and is a pain to get off. Plus it increases the risk of bitting your bar until you get used to it.

    You can talk all you want to .

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