
Is this normal for children ?

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My boyfrind and I have a 20 month old daughter we currently do not live togather because of his work and the travel. We visit once a week sometimes more. But the problem is Our daughter will sometimes run up to her dad with open arms other times does not want anything to do with him I keep telling him not to worrie but he does and it herts him alot. So if anyone can help in this matter please do.




  1. she probably doesn't like not seeing him that often

  2. Toddlers are moody and easily distracted and preoccupied with other things.  I live with my husband, the father of my 23 month old and our little boy acts the same way with his daddy, even with him living in the same house. It hurts daddy's feelings, but it is just the age.  You can do your best to get her excited and worked up before daddy gets to the door or before she sees daddy.  Sometimes you can get them all excited about seeing daddy so when they do there is more of a reaction.  Wait till right before she sees him, act like you are really excited "Who's that! Is that DADDY!?" that sort of thing.    It just makes the daddies feel better when the little guys act excited, even if it is mommy manufactured excitement.

  3. to ease this you should talk about her father in a positive manner. in a way its not normal, but thats because she doesnt know him. kids specially, have this effect in which as long as the face is familiar they will be open to, but once a new face appear they don't trust it(which in a long run is good or alot of kids would be kidnaped). it might help if he takes her a whole day out and spends some quality time with her, this will build a father and daughter bond.

  4. Stop worrying. Kids will do what they want to do. Sometimes they follow yoiu like a shadow and sometimes you couldn't bribe them to be with you.If she  doesn't appear resentful of him and hitting, don't worry about it. Besides you can't force her anyway. Try some daddy daughter bonding activities. That may bring more consistency.

  5. she probably just has her moods like all of us do, sometimes she wants to see her dad and sometimes she does'nt, i wouldn't worry

  6. Yeah - it's normal. Children do not communicate emotions with words. So what your daughter feels is going to come out in her behavior. This is true not just toward her father, but in everything. What makes it stand out is the relative infrequency of the contact between dad and daughter.

  7. She probably just hates the fact that she doesn't get to see him as much as she'd like and she doesn't want to be hurt again when he leaves so she avoids him. It may seem like she's too young to actually have feelings like that, but it's possible. Tell the father not to let her feelings get to him because if he acts with anything but pleasure towards her she may get mixed emotions and think that he doesn't love her. Maybe have a father daughter day sometime so they get some good bonding in. It will strengthen both of their relationships towards each other.

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