
Is this normal for her age?

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My daughter is 7 years old and already growing under arm hair. She wants me to shave it, but I don't want it to grow back fuller then what it is. Is it normal for her to be growing hair at 7? She has hair on her legs too.




  1. Sometimes

  2. yes it's normal but if i were you i would shave it cause she may get made fun of in school since kids these days are cruel

  3. I wax my little sisters legs because she is embarrassed and the kids make fun of her.

    She refused to wear shorts because of it.

    So I made my own sugar wax and waxed her legs for her.

    Waxing will eventually kill the root and she will have less hair to deal with later on.

  4. yes u should i started shaving at 6

  5. Her hair won't grow in darker or fuller because you shaved it.  The reason people believe that is because it creates a blunt edge on the hair, making it more obvious.  Her hair under her arms is probably going to get fuller weather you shave it or not, because she is getting older, and just like the rest of us, she will grow more unwanted hair.

  6. sounds young to me-but that is only becuase i havent' know any girl that young to have that.

    she just could possibly go through puberty a little earlier. they say to look at the grandmother for a good estimite for starting you period/developing, etc. whatever age your mother started would be a correct assumtion of when she might.

    it will be  awhile im sure, mabey she is just a little hairier. as far as shaving, i see what you mean. she is definitely too young to shave on her own, so you need to do it. but i have always heard the same thing, it grows back heavier. what about nair? that isn't the same as shaving or cutting, a whole new hair has to grow. that might be a better idea.  

  7. Yeah at the age of 9 I was begging my mother to let me shave. Sounds young. But really either she can shave or you can or wax or you can let it grow. It wont grow much more longer....well it shouldnt anyway! Good luck but it is normal and those are your options!! Good luck!

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