
Is this normal for lovebirds?

by Guest60141  |  earlier

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I was given two lovebirds today, one is a peach face and the other a black faced. They are totally awsome....

My question is that they are suppose to both be female, when I was given them there was a nesting box in the cage and it had an egg in it??....Do they still lay if there is no male ?......




  1. I had two lovebirds for 4 years, both were female and they always layed unfertile eggs... So to answer your question, yes they still lay if there is no male but the eggs are unfertile and therefore wont produce any baby lovebirds.

  2. yes, they even lay eggs when there is other bird around! I would get a blood test/sexed to make sure they are females and maybe put them in separate cages so they will bond more with you and not each other.

    Good luck =)

  3. Lovebird Hens will lay eggs just like any other bird, the only thing is they will not be fertile,,,,,,,,

  4. if they recieve enough light that activates their hormones they will lay a few infertile eggs, its nothing to worry about unless the bird keeps doing it, then u should remove the nestbox..check out for good lovebird info and congrats on ur new birds!

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