
Is this normal for my 2 year old?

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My 2 year old know the people she sees the most names (aunts, cousin, grammy, etc.) and shes been seeing and saying the names for months now. For the past few days now shes been really confused and like calling grammy dad, or calling mommy cas,etc. I know shes only 2 and I don't expect her to be perfect, i'm just really concerned if there is somthing going on...? I don't know if i'm just really nervous about this or what.




  1. Well...if it helps my 2 1/2 year old does the same thing, you can ask him when he says it "Who am I?" and he will tell you the right answer with a laugh. You have to think they are having to take a lot of things in at this age and confusion is a very easy thing. Hope it helps and God bless.

  2. Even though your child is only 2 they do have a big sense of humor. most likely the first time she did it and everyone laughed... she new she could that response eveytime... even if your not laughing now when she dose it--- she still remembers that you did...

    If you are really worried... theres nothing wrong with asking your doctor... I'm sure he'll say the same thing...

  3. I have a 2 year old daughter and lately she's been calling both me and my husband mommy. She calls her both her grandmas mommy sometimes too. I just think they get too excited and yell the first thing that comes to mind or whatever the case is, I'm sure it's normal.  

  4. I agree with everyone else. My 2 yo daughter likes to swap daddy and mommy, She's also started experimenting with other names too. Just yesterday when daddy got home see yelled excitedly, "HI CAMEL!!" I laughed so hard...

  5. I dont know if this helps but when my 13  onth wakes up & sees me she sometimes says buh-bye even though I know she knows how to say Hi....maybe she just doesnt always know how to associate the word to the face/situation...

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