
Is this normal for my new guinea pig?

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Is it normal for my new Guinea Pig to be skittish and hide most of the time? if so, Will he stop doing it?




  1. Yeah totally! Dont worry about it! When my guinea pig came to my house,he didnt even come outside for eating! Your guinea pig just needs some time to adjust to the new environment. Guinea pigs know that they are small animals and they are prey. So they try to be as small and hide most of the time. They are alert. It took my pig 2 months to adjust. Your piggie just needs some time so he knows its a safe place. Dont worry about it. He'll be fine. Just give him his daily food and water. And heres a tip ! Put vitamin C in your guinea pigs water! Vitamin C is reallyy good for guinea pigs, it makes them stay away from diseases {ask your local vet or the place you got ur pig from}. Well GOOOD LUCKK!! To you and your new piggie! If you need any more advice just email mee!!  

  2. absolutely. Guinea pigs are prey animals, so naturally they are skittish, not all of them though. Let him/her get used to your voice. More likely than not your piggy will grow out of this. But every now and then mine try to run away from me when I pick them up. This does not mean they don't like you or don't want to be held. Pigs have poor eyesight, so often they are startled by the sudden intrusion of their home by your hand. Guinea pigs also like to hide, so depending on your pig, she/he may spend a lot of time inside his home or hiding place. Which is why you should be sure to have an igloo or wooden house for him/her to hide in. It's not uncommon and nothing to worry about. :]

  3. Since you just got it, f course it is a normal thing! It is probably still adjusting and you should give it more time. If you kind of show it a daily routine after a few days, it would be more comfortable coming out and doing things with you.

    Such as taking it out to play and give it treats, let it run around a little in a ball or in a pen.

    If you absoulutely trust your guinea pig over time, let it explore more areas freely. But always supervise it and guide it in a way.

    I hope this helps and good luck with your guinea pig!

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