
Is this normal for my puppy to do after being wormed??

by  |  earlier

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i have a 12 week old lab pup and brought him to the vet last tuesday as he was vomiting,i wormed him that morning but he vomited it back up so the vet wormed him again he got his booster that day aswell and im due back next tuesday which will be 2 weeks gone past for his next worming dose.he is getting chipped that day aswell, so my question is why is his poo black and watery?? no worms in it and there is no smell off it.not like there should really worried, but hes fine,playing, feeding and drinking as normal.any suggestions would be great,thanks for your time.




  1. maybe you should get a pittbull or an amstaff, there is nothing wrong with these kind of dogs.  They are the best kind of dogs to own in the world, NOW BRING ON THE THUMBS DOWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. sorry, i'm not really an expert but, i dont think he should be vommiting. i would just say talk to your vet and see what he thinks. I hope he's ok. = ]

  3. Maybe It's what u are feeding him.

  4. Sometimes when you take puppies to the vet, the puppies need all shots and deworm so the vet will overload the puppy with meds, and it is normal but the puppy cant handle it the vet should break it down for the puppy but they usually dont, but anyways thats normal that he threw it up he just had an overload of meds. Have you had a fecal test on him. if not go to the vet and say you want a fecal test, that will show you if he has worms.the black p**p can sometimes be dried blood so i would take him into the vet and tell them whats going on. hold off on the de worming until you know whats going on with his fecal. sometimes you cant always see the worms in the pups p**p.

  5. how long has your dog been producing this p**p? If it lasts more than one day you should see a vet soon

  6. He might have Giardia... it's almost impossible to find in fecal tests and you can't see it...

    Talk to your vet about it. They know how hard it is to find and often times, they will treat for it without testing. It won't hurt the dog if he doesn't have it.  

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