
Is this normal for someone my age?

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I'm 17 years-old and I work 2 jobs to pay my father back for the money he loaned me so I could pay off court/attorney. I have never thought twice about giving all my hard earned money to my father but since I'm 17 there is other stuff i would like to spend it on. i know I'm the one that made the mistake so i should pay for it. The other day i slept in until 4 in the afternoon because i was actually dreaming for once and no matter how many times i woke up i kept going back to sleep so i could keep dreaming. i think it has something to do with the way i live but im not sure thats why I'm asking for help. Is this normal or am I over thinking this to much.




  1. You don't have to give him that money if you don't want to, because it is against child labor laws for him to make you do that.  Ya teenagers have a habit of not wanting to get up when they are sleeping.

  2. If you ever want to borrow money from him again (I'm sure you'll need to) you better pay him back.

  3. Dude.. I think U r stressed.. I think if U spend a little for yourself, than giving the entire money to ur father, U will find some peace and some satisfaction in life.. just try and c.. ;)

  4. i think that this is normal. i mean, its very hard for a teenager to be working so much, nd you probly dont get enough sleep, so thats why you didnt want to wake up. dont worry about it. you should cut down on how much you give your dad, and save a little for yourself. i understand you're being responsible, but you need to have things you want also. hope i helped!

  5. Good for you. You got into trouble and you are stepping up to the plate and taking responsibility! There will be plenty of time to buy stuff for yourself when you have paid  your debt off.

    You are thinking this over too much. You must have had a day off and slept for most of it. I sleep in really late once a week to get my rest from a week at work and taking care of all the household and yard work as well.

    It could also be that you are avoiding stress or troubles by sleeping as well.

    Just keep an eye on yourself for repeating this behaviour.  If you find yourself doing that alot you might want to discipline yourself by getting up anyway and taking a quick shower to wake yourself up and go do something fun. Remember to balance work with some play too. OK?

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