
Is this normal for someone my age?????

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i'm 14 (female)and i'm always carrying condoms around,my boyfriend does too he's 17 is it normal for someone our ages to be carrying condoms around,we have done it already and there's condoms to last us a while,but is it normal??thanxz




  1. I don't know if it is normal or not, but I think at least every girl over 11 should have a condom in her purse or pocket at all times. You can't depend on the guy to have one, or voluntarily use one. And even at that young age, things can happen.

    It should be a normal procedure for everyone.

  2. Your thinking about your safety and your being sensible which is normal. I wouldn't ever carry condoms around and I am 14.. but I am not planning to have s*x.  

  3. I'd have to agree with a lot of these people. You ARE MUCH TOO YOUNG.  And believe it or not, it's true. Your "boyfriend" only wants you for the s*x.  You are young and naive, he tells you how he loves you and how beautiful you are and says things like "forever", he doesn't mean it. Really. Honestly. Get out now.  

  4. No, because most 14 year olds don't open their legs up.

    By the way, your "boyfriend" just wants you for s*x. Figured you should know ahead of time.

  5. i know u must have heard this before but ur wayyyy to young for this.

    but its good that you carry protection

  6. well i think its better safe then sorry.

    i mean, if youve already done it then why not stay safe you know?

    who knows when the mood'll strike.

    and i know plenty of people at my middle school who carry around condoms.

    so dont feel bad.

  7. well i wouldn't say normal but its better than having unprotected s*x

  8. yeah. it's normal.

    but it would be better just to go on birth control.

    wait, your 14 and yr bf is 17?

    dude, that means your an 8th grader or a freshman, and your bf is a junior?

    that's not good.  

  9. normal?? maybe not, maybe so. I commend you for being smart enough to be safe, and not going unprotected.  Smart girl.

  10. I guess it's normal for someone who's having s*x... at least you're safe

    But seriously, you're 14. It's not normal for a 14 year old to be having s*x. That's actually illegal given that he is over the age of consent (16 in most places.) And you're only 14. Charges can and will be pressed if anybody finds out too much about it. So either stop, or keep it quiet, or else let me tell you - you won't be seeing much of your boyfriend anymore.

  11. Yeah, it's better than having unprotected s*x.

  12. Well, at-least you guys are practicing safe s*x. It seems that is normal this day and age for kids to carry around condoms, listen to me. I sound like an old woman and I am only 26, but you never would have caught me having s*x that young. Crazy. But again, I guess if you are going to do it, better that you are using condoms than not. I guess too that atleast if you are carrying them around with you, you always have one handy.  

  13. Congratulations for been normal =P most teenagers wouldn't carry condoms around with them

  14. If you have your minds set on having s*x, then better be safe than sorry.

    You never know when you'll feel the mood.

  15. ye

  16. it is not normal for your age to talk about these things.. comdoms? s*x are not for kids actually..back when i was in high school i was older than you i didnt even know these things.. the world is very different now.. someday we will hear a 7 year old boy carrying condoms because they are into s*x .. yukky news isn't it...??

  17. That is really smart

    In case of something you always are safe and you don't have to worry about an unplanned pregnancy

  18. STOP HAVING s*x, U R 14!!!

    seriously, it is normal, better to be safe, but condoms dont protect u from everything.

  19. your 14, wtf are you doing going out with a 17 year old. hes obviously only after one thing. just thank god you have condoms theres nothing else you can say to you. but you might grow up being a s**t

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