
Is this normal for the "new girl"...?

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I'm a "new girl" at my high school and ppl barely talked to me. like there's one girl who's super nice to me and just aa few others say hi to me. school started 2 days ago...i didn't expect like everyone to be all friendly and say hi to me. how long will it take for me to make some friends or for ppl in my classes to talk to me??? Any tips on being more approchable?




  1. Make yourself appear really happy, like not corny or cheesy but just happy. By nature people want to be by other happy people. Body language is also important. Make yourself more open instead of hunching over your desk or crossing your arms. Smile at people in the hall. Also it is important to approach people yourself. Waiting around does nothing for you but make you impatient, so go up to some people you look like you would generally fit in with and start up a conversation. They are all normal people, you just haven't met them yet. Good luck!

  2. When people say 'hi' to you say hi back and smile. They'll think you're more friendly. Also that girl that is super nice 2 u, u should B friends w/.

  3. Make yourself seem open, if you see/hear someone talking about something that you enjoy, try to join in, usually people will let you join into their conversation. It's a great way to meet new people.

  4. Just be yourself, be happy,and never lose your cool.

    It's normal to feel a insecure, but believe me smiling and being cool, makes you gain good friends

    good luck

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