
Is this normal guys please help????

by  |  earlier

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i only take about 3 mins to get to o****m, depending on how horny i am. and it only last about 3 secs. how can i make it last longer?




  1. after ejaculating, you should find that you will last longer the second time round.

    you should remember that premature ejaculation occurs when you only take 30secs or less to ejaculate. anymore than this and you are normal.

    it was noted in some survey that women reckon that about 7min to o****m is about right.

    if you want to last longer, i guess you should try what is called edging, where you bring yourself close to o****m and not touch yourself until you calm down and then go for it again.

    do this several times before ejaculating. you'll find that you feel much better as well when you ejaculate.

    hope this helps. good luck

  2. Simply just keep going and going.

  3. when ur feeling that ur about u ejaculate stop and put ur hands behind ur head wait about 2 minutes and it should give u 2 minutes of more time

  4. You need to try a technique called edging. When you feel yourself close to o****m, STOP. When the feeling subsides start again and so on until you want to nut. This will not only build endurance, but it will intensify your o****m and your load will be huge

  5. Do the start and stop technique as described already :and Google:kegel exercises.They strengthen your pelvic muscles for an even better result.


  6. stop the pre-***, go with rick's suggestion

  7. The longer you last, the better your o****m. This won't necessarily make it longer, but sometimes you just can't have both.

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