
Is this normal in life when making friends?

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Eventually our so called friends will abandon us or won't recognize us no more. This always happened to me since high school until now. It didn't happen in elementary or middle school though. Most of my "friends" are just associates from class or school, we use each other to benefit from our work and that's it.

I always lose people who use to have contact with me, they eventually pretend they never met me at all. I have not wronged anyone, I just don't spend time with them. So is that the rules of the game when it comes to friendship? We just use each other until the end?




  1. Well no not really. It really depends on who you've met and hung out with. Some people are just like that. You should just move on and make better friends that will talk to you and understand that you are just too busy to hang out besides school or that you just don't feel like it. But really, if you want to keep in touch with friends, you should at least try to make an effort to hang out, so that they don't think you are boring and don't care about having fun outside of school.

  2. omg this happened to me.!! through fresh-Junior yr.... but then we rekindled our friendship senior yr now,.. how weird but happy we r friends again .. b/c we were close friends in elementary school and just because we went to different middle school we drifted apart and in HS we just didn't talk ... but

    end of story

  3. Ahhh, I really liked the first answer, it cheered me up in a weird way. It makes me think of all the ppl who have faded away in my life and get all sad. But I guess they've served their purpose & ultimately life is about YOU, no one else. When you're happy & you do find those few ppl who will be by your side it'll make it all worth the "sifting" through so many people. I have 3-4 close friends and only 1 of them can I tell ANYTHING to and she'll understand (the others I'm very diff. from but we're somehow still close).

    I hope you find some true friends. Yes, it takes work to make them, but after that it only takes time & a little maintenance to keep them (if they're loyal and right for you).

    Good luck!! :D

  4. That's the rules.  Everyone comes into our life for a reason, to fulfill some kind of purpose.  Even friends.  So when a friend fulfills a purpose (whether it takes days, months, or years) they'll drift away.  Or as you put it so blatantly - we just use each other until the end.  We all go through it.

  5. well when you have a friend and you don't hang with them, then don't you think maybe they think ur ignoring them or something is wrong.

    you have to spend time with your friends to keep the friendship going. i dnt mean every day but you know it'll do something.  

    you should talk to them and ask them what's up?

  6. You just have to find loyal friends. And show loyalty back. Friendship is a 2-way street.

  7. Of chose not! Friendship is such a precious thing! I have the most amazing relationship and yea I have had those who come and go! But you'll find the right friend, and you'll be inseparable! I know exactly how you feel! I dealt with the same thing in school! One thing I learned  is to not go looking to make friend, they'll just come, and you'll come to realize that they are your real friend! Also one thing you have to know is to always be yourself or it'll never work out! Never try to fit the other persons expectation, because it won't last and eventually they will stop talking to u! So hold ur head up, and you'll find the perfect friend I promise!

  8. Maybe you've answered your own question..."I just don't spend time with them"...friendship needs interaction to continue and survive.  I know, I too have lost contact with many people over the years...mostly because I stopped reaching out.  I sat back, saying I'll wait for them to contact me.  It didn't happen.

    Get out there and let them know you're thinking of them!

  9. There will be very few people in  your life who are your friends until the end. Those who are there with you are truly your friends and those who slowly fade served their purpose in your life.God sends certain people to you. Some are Your Confidents(very few you can confide in)

    Some are your Comrades (people who will help you fight your battles) and some just acquaintences. Just enjoy them as they come and cherish the memories.

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