
Is this normal?!?!? lease answer?

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hey all i am 32 weeks pregnant ans when i walk or sit on the toilet i feel like i have a tampon up me just hanging out, does this mean the baby has dropped even more? last midwife appiontment he was 4/5. i started losing y mucus plug a week ago and today all i was doing was cleaning and had a weird feeling to put my moses baket up today? is this nesting?




  1. It could mean the baby has dropped, and it also probably means your cervix is ripening and getting ready for labour. If you're really concerned it might be worth it to see a doc and just check it out!

    You're definately having nesting instincts! I did that too! about 4 weeks before I had my daughter's I cleaned the house until there was nothing left to clean! which is nice, 'cause when you come home from the hospital with your baby the last thing you want to stress about is cleaning!!! Congrats!

  2. sounds like it to me

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