
Is this normal life <span title="plans???????????????????/?">plans???????????????????/...</span>

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ok i have life plans. i never want to have s*x or be married or i don't even want a husband! i want to finish school go to collage and then be a teacher and at the same time i want to adopt 2 kids. is that normal and i have thought that for like 4 years im going to be 13 and i think its a wonderful idea but do you????




  1. Why do you care...?

    Obviously you most likely won&#039;t do this... for one thing your 13 (wait till you hit puberty...) and a second thing... you want to get an ok from a bunch of people you don&#039;t know... that shouldn&#039;t matter... at ALL.


  2. Things change over time, I think you will realise this as time goes on... No matter how things are wonderfully planned out they always have a way of not going to plan.

    Good Luck

  3. yes it is normal for your age. Just know that you are free to change your mind even if it is week to week or day by day. YOU ARE 100% normal  

  4. thats not normal by societal standards, but why should you care?

    and never have s*x...what kinda person are you? a eunich?

  5. Let me just say this. My daughter wanted to be a teacher since she was little. She volunteered at church day care and took all her college courses with that goal in mind. In her second year she met a guy who wanted to be a teacher, and they both agreed they wouldn&#039;t get married or do anything until they both got their degrees.

    They did, and then they married. The candle at their wedding said &#039;today I&#039;m marrying my best friend&#039; and they have both taught school and been together for 8 years.

    I think your plans are great. Don&#039;t let ANYONE distract you from your goals. Don&#039;t be too concerned about meeting someone, marrying or having kids, that is for the future.

    Do you know how many kids have no plan, no ambition, no interests?

    You are so special just because you&#039;ve thought that far ahead.

    You go girl. I wish you all the happiness and success you can possibly have.

  6. no

  7. wait until you&#039;re about 15 or 16 plans will probably a little different  

  8. I think your plans are normal.

    I do think, however, that you may change your mind about the career and the husband.

    I am 16 and want to become a lawyer with a husband and 1-2 kids. With time, that may change.

  9. It&#039;s normal for a 13 year old...and quite refreshing. Your plans are admirable. As you get older, say 20, 21, you may find a guy you find you love, and your plans may change (the s*x and marriage part)- stick with the college plan no matter what. But for now at your age, you are doing great!

  10. your only 13, the world as you see it will change once you get older.

    youll definately change your mind. especially on the whole not getting married and not having s*x.

    you say that now. but when the time comes.....definately going to change your mind.

    your still young.

  11. yes

  12. Edit: I thought you were 9!

    Lmao! I read the question wrong. XD

    I&#039;m pretty sure your plans will change, but hey, its your life, your choice.. x]


  13. lol you only say that u dont wanna have s*x cas ur just a kid. . thats what i thot wen i was ur age. . .  and now im VERY far from thinking that lol. . . and yeah those life plans are normal. . . whatever you say xD

  14. When I was thirteen, I thought the same way. But then something crazy and life-changing happened and I changed my mind. Now I&#039;m all into that. I want a husband and kids and an awesome career. I think you&#039;ll change your mind too, whether you experience a crazy life-changing event or not. But I think it&#039;s cute and relieving that someone else thinks/thought like me.

  15. I think it is a FABULOUS idea! Do not ask other people. I really think you should follow the direction where you feel led.  

  16. yes its normal to think that, however in a few years you most definitely will change your mind about the s*x thing and prob about the husband, but i think its great that a 13 year old girl still wants to be a 13 year old girl and not a total s**t, so good for you! your plans are awsome

    someone please helpe;...

  17. Not wanting to get married is perfectly okay. Adopting children is a great way to help spread love, and our world today needs so much of that. Teaching is also wonderful.

    I don&#039;t think it&#039;s a bad plan at all, I simply think it may be a little unrealistic. Yes, you&#039;ve felt this way for four years, but wait until the hormones kick in. It may be harder to abstain from s*x and relationships than you originally thought once you get older.

    Keep in mind that having s*x isn&#039;t wrong. It&#039;s completely natural, and our bodies are designed to want it. So, don&#039;t feel bad if you find yourself craving some lovin&#039; in a few years. You can still become a teacher, and adopt two children (or more, if you&#039;d like), and you don&#039;t even have to get married.

    There&#039;s nothing wrong with this plan, but keep your mind open. You may change your ideas once you get older (perhaps a career change, or the want to biologically mother someone), and that&#039;s okay too. I think it&#039;s better to change your plans and be happier with them than stick to a plan just because you&#039;ve had it in your head for such a long time.

    Good luck!

  18. you may end up living a slightly different life than you previously intended.

  19. sounds emo wanting to be alone forever  

  20. **** what its like to be a teenager im 14 and i have  A life plan play guitar all day and bum around europe

  21. i doubt you&#039;ll never have s*x or have children,sorry.

  22. kinda strange... and you&#039;re 13, so they&#039;ll most definitely completely change, especially the whole s*x and marriage thing

    all of your plans will change.. trust me

  23. Normal but since you are just 12 going on 13 not 13 going on 30 I think your life plans may change. You can argue this all you want but in a few years Im sure you will want something different. When I was 12 I wanted one kid and a husband and i wanted to live in LA. But now I want 3-4 kids and a husband and I want to live here or in a foreign country because I want to travel a lot before I have kids.

  24. Hm, it&#039;s a pretty good idea. I have something similar, except without the no s*x, and I never want kids. Or to be a teacher lol. But I definitely think it&#039;s a great idea that don&#039;t want a husband and have solid career choice! Good luck.

  25. your life is your life. what if you meet someone you really love and you want to spend your life with them though? you&#039;re just 13. anything can happen in the next couple years. dont make up your mind just yet and if you do choose this and stick with it then when youre like 30 youre going to have so many regrets. i highly doubt that your life will turn out the way you plan it to. In life, nothing goes how you expect it to. i dont even know why youre thinking about the rest of your life now. when youre about 19 or 20 then decide what youre going to do.

  26. i think ur too young to be thinking of &quot;life plans&quot;

    when ur a senior in highschool

    THEN you can think of &quot;life plans&quot;

  27. i think  your going to change your mind  

  28. no afence but its pritty stupid to not get married

  29. Don&#039;t think your children will need a father?

  30. it&#039;s an ideal life plan, but not a practical one, in today&#039;s world,

    its going to be hard, but just persevere.

    but, above all, try to explore and enjoy life

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