
Is this normal or something serious? ?

by Guest58894  |  earlier

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I have been feeling so bad i am 32 weeks pregnant....

Feel sick...having headaches all day long....also feel dizzy (this may be due to me being anemic tho)...also have tummy ache at top of uterus...and last time midwife checked my urine had +1 glucose

i heard that having headaches and tummy aches and feeling sick is a sign of preeclampsia?

or just normal in late pregnancy? thanks in advance x x




  1. i dk about all the other stuff but my doctor told me thatyou feel sick and all at the beggining of your pregnancy but then if it stops all the pains come back when your close to being in labor so if i was you i would watch out you might drop here soon lol

  2. I've been having some wicked headaches, too.  I experimented a bit and found that they were actually caused by allergies.  Allergies can cause dizziness, too, as they effect the sinuses and inner ears.  Have you tried taking Zyrtec or Benadryl?  Those both work well for me, and my doctor said they are safe for pregnancy.

    Your tummy ache may just be from your uterus stretching and expanding.  It's getting cramped in there, you know.

  3. See your doctor or midwife.

  4. I would see a doctor and make sure about preeclampsia, cause you do have some of the symptoms.

    As for the anaemia, are you taking iron supplements? It would be important to. Try eating lots of iron. Also, if you make yourself muffins, use only half of the flour. Replace the other half by twice as much baby pablum. It won't affect the taste and baby pablum has plenty of iron in it.

    Take care of yourself, mommy, and good luck


  5. Um, that's not normal, it could be a sign of preclampsia or something else.  If your glucose level was high it could be a sign of gestational diabetes though, so lay off refined carbs for now - and limits carbs in total and see if that helps (like no sugar at all).

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