
Is this normal.....or unsanitary?

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okay so here it goes....i live with my boyfriend....his aunt also lives with us...and shes been there for the past two months.....this may sound wierd but when she first got there she was on her period....and she told me that whenever she takes off her pad she peels the plastic back and pulls the cotton off the pad and flushes it down the toilet...then she rolls up the plastic and puts it in the grabage can in the kitchen....i was like ooohh okay...and then the following day she showed me before she put it in the trash,.....well for a whole month i didnt have to hear anything about pads....until on my period and i come out the bathroom (with my pad rolled up in toilet paper then with the plastic wrapping it comes in) and threw my used pad in the garbage.....she was watching me and said....girrlll why dont you do how i told you and flush the cotton part and then throw it in the trash?? i was like im not touching that she said it'sss youur bloood.....and that was that......what is she trying to say or do?? and do you all think that what shes doing is okay or sanitary?? why does she keep insisting i do it her way....its my we take the trash out just about every day or every other day...we dont let it completly fill up so the bags dont bust




  1. It's weird and not necessary to be dissecting your sanitary pads.  Keep doing what you're doing:  roll it up, wrap it in toilet paper, and throw it out.  If nothing else, the inside of the pad could clog up the toilet, and it's not like it takes up a lot of room in the garbage.

    Some pads come with a little disposable pouch to put the pad in.  Maybe your boyfriend's aunt could deal with that a little better.  

    I think it's deeply weird that she's so interested in your period, anyway.  

    I agree with "somebody."  Have a small waste basket in the bathroom.  You kind of need that in there anyway, for tissues, small paper cups, Q-tips, etc.

  2. Her way sounds complicated and flushing the cotton could block up the pipes/septic system.Not sure why she's so concerned with how you deal with your pads. I would keep doing it your way and not worry about it.  

  3. She's weird, it's disgusting!

  4. Wow that sounds so disgusting, I hope she washes her hands thoroughly. Have her move out, who knows what other nasty habits she might have.

  5. i have never heard of anything like this before!

  6. Unless you have low water pressure in your bathroom, flushing just the cotton down without the plastic shouldn't harm your toilet. If it did, then it would never be okay to flush used tampons, and it's perfectly fine!

    However, what she's doing is very odd. It's not really unsanitary, but it is your home, so you and your boyfriend have a right to ask her not to do it if you feel uncomfortable with it.

    Also, someone else's suggestion, of getting a small waste basket for the bathroom and using it, really is a good idea.  

  7. It is an EXTREMELY bad idea to flush pads, even if you take off the plastic part first. There's no doubt that it will end up eventually clogging the toilet and costing a lot of money to fix. You should just buy a small trash can and keep it in the bathroom, that way you don't have to go into the kitchen to throw away your used pads.

  8. A lot of the fillers in sanitary pads are not just cotton.  They also have a polyester batting which helps with absorption and prevents "accidents".   She's lucky she hasn't clogged the toilet.  Besides this aspect of it, it's just a little gross.  I mean, saying it's her blood is like saying "it's my boogers".  It's still unsanitary.  I do the same thing you do.  Just tell her you don't want to talk about it anymore.  Why is she making a big deal out of such a personal choice?

  9. i use tampons, but yeah, i just put them in a paper towel and throw them in the trash in the bathroom...

    i would say your boyfriends aunt is weird... but it's also a bit strange to me that you're putting your pads in the kitchen trash.. why isn't there a trash bag in the bathroom?

  10. That was the weirdest thing i have ever heard in my entire life but there are 6 billion people on earth and Im sure SOMEONE else has done it.

  11. Why is she watching you???

    I think her way is more unsanitary than yours ... her stuff goes in the kitchen (?) and she also touches the toilet handle with the same hand she has just been touching her used pad with.  

    Do it your way...and get some quiet time in the bathroom...lock the door!

  12. Not the average means of disposal but not too unsanitary if she washes her hands, but anyone should.  She definately doen't think TMI (too much information) is a bad thing.  Just say thanks, I have my own way of handling this and ideally you should just be discreet and she'll newer know when you have your period and vice versa.

  13. I hope you guys don't own the home your staying in, or have a septic tank. If you do, get some rid ex, fast, she's crazy! Make her stay out of the bathroom when you change your pad!!!

  14. Flushing ANY part of a pad, plastic, cotton, or whole, is a bad idea. It will clog the toilet, and then you'll have to pay lots of $$ to get it fixed.

    Tell her this, and then say that throwing it in the trash isn't a big deal. Then offer to take out the trash as a duty, so that way you're offering to help remove the problem.

  15. Ewww, why isn't there a trash can in the bathroom??  No one else should be involved in how you throw away your sanitary napkins.  Just wrap them up in toilet paper and put them into the bathroom trash can.  It's bizarre that she even discusses this with you - bathroom matters are private!

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