
Is this normal? ...............?

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I feel awful as Im typing this but need more views on what ppl think. My partner has a niece who will be two on1st July. She is extremely spoilt (But in the worst way poss) 2 the point where I feel it has ruined the child. She has only recently started walking (6 months ago if that) & the only words she can say is. No, mom, goal, bye, pop. She still cant say dad, nan, please, thanks or anything sounding like. She still has a bottle (warm) b4 she goes to bed & the worst is she is bottle fed on her parents lap (They hold the bottle for her). I just cant help its a little "2 much" I think she will really struggle when she goes to nursery, I have told my bf this & he said she is only a baby. When I was 18 mths I was doing nursery songs & drank out a beaker!!! They have not even started potty training her yet!!

Do you think Im being harsh? she still sleeps in a cot! in her parents room, my best friends has a 13 wk daughter & she is already in her own room in a cot. Big difference.




  1. People raise their own kids differently.  Sure it may not be how you would do it, but you'll have that chance once you have your own little one.  It's true what they say, no one goes to high school in diapers, so just let them do as they believe is best for their kid.  Rember all children progress differently.

  2. To be fair; not all children develop physically, emotionally at the same rate.

    some children are talking very well before they are a year old. Others are not.

    Some are physically and communicative  and potty trainable ate an earlier age.

    Now, the other issues. It is obvious the parents do not want the child to grow up.

    This is for their pediatrician to inform them. Not you or anyone else.

    this is a judgment call for a professional; not a judgment call for a non parent spectator. It is none of your business. They are not physically harming the child.If they want a spoiled brat; well, that's their decision. Better spoiled than neglected They love the child so much they don't want to break the bond.

    They are the ones who have to deal with the child 24 hours a day. The doctor and preschool will be in the place to say something to them. Think about it; would you want some nosy person telling you how to raise your child?

    Maybe they know something you don't.

  3. Bottles should be taken away at a year old at the most, potty training should start somewhere around 2, walking should start before first birthday, and a child should never sleep with the parents and she should have been holding her own bottle at a couple of mths old... this child is behind and her parents need to stop babying her. She is not a baby anymore she is a toddler.

  4. they need to let the baby grow up on her own a little bit

  5. this is NOT normal... i dont know how to help but i think you should talk to the parents

  6. Are you kidding? Most don't learn to potty train until after 2, walking skills are not hindered by being spoiled, warming a bottle? Big deal! You act like little things like that are going to ruin her. Maybe she has some developmental problems. Anyway, you really should let them raise their child how they want to and stop meddling.

  7. no your not being too harsh but saddly there really isn't anything you can do.

  8. i agree she should be in her own room at this age, but if she sleeps perfectly ok in a cot theres no harm in it. probably better so she doesnt get up to mischeif! and as for the walking and talking, all children do it at different stages in their life, they are all so different. my son was in a bed at 16 months as he used to climb out his cot and it was dangerous, yet my girls are 18 month old and still in their cots. my son walked at 9 1/2 months! but my girls didnt walk til they were 13 months. but they can talk more then my son could at that age. so it depends on what the child is ready to do, u do need to give them a little push but they arent doin anything wrong. (maybe the bottle feeding on their knee is a bit much?!)

  9. Even if your opinions hold merit, every parent goes through the process of learning to raise a child on their own terms - differences in raising children are always going to arise.  It's not your place to say anything to the parents of your partner's niece, and if you do say something, the fingers will point at you for being rude.  Just as long as the child is not in danger, you should sit back and relax.  As far as not talking at 18 months old, some children don't even talk until they are 2.  The baby still has time to grow, and I would still consider her a baby, not a toddler, in the first place.  You can take this with a grain of salt and apply it to how you will parent (or not) in the future!

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