
Is this normal.?! someone please help I'm scared?

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kay so I'm almost ten weeks pregnant with triplets and I'm only 15 years old.. I live with my boyfriend and his family they are a great help. they have a daughter who is 4 1/2. and the deal was we would watch her for the summer so they didnt have to pay for daycare. my boyfriend went and got a fulltime job so I was stuck home with her. but the thing is that she ALWAYS wants to be held. and latley by the time 2 oclock rolls around I'm exauhsted and in pain.. and today I hadher all day took her to the park and ended up carrying her home.. then tonight me and him were suppose to babysit and we forgotwe had other plans with friendsto go shopping at west Edmonton mall and so we went and took her.. we were almost done and it was like 7 andshe was fallng sleep so he picked her up and carried her for ten min ad then he saidhis back was sore..(he does lift heavythings all day) so I carried her for a hour and now that were home and she is in bed and I sit down and I have really bad pain right under my b*****s.. and i of feels like its hard to breathe.. is it normal to feel like that.?! and i just had like a butterfly go across my tummy was that the babies moving it went again now.?




  1. You need to stop lifting her. Everything is probably fine, just your body's new shape adjusting to the exercise, but lifting her around anymore, especially being pregnant with multiples is something you really should avoid.  

  2. personally i think your lien about this whole thing but if you really are prego its to early to feel the babies move you usually dont feel that until the 3rd and 4th month but heavy lifting is not good while pregnant i suggest you dont do that anymore

  3. You aren't supposed to be lifting anything over 20 pounds with any pregnancy, let alone triplets.  You need to stop carrying her around. A 4 1/2 year old is perfectly capable of walking.  


  4. Um, didn't you only have s*x apparently for the first time 3 weeks ago?

    I got linked from this question, so maybe change your profile to private before you decide to play on this sick little fantasy a little longer?

    Such an elaborate lie! You must be really bored.;...

    Lift the kid all you want, it won't affect a fake pregnancy at all.

  5. no offence to your boyfriend, but please please tell him that you will be unable to continue carrying her around because you ARE pregnant, honey - he may lift things at work that are heavy, but you`re carrying TRIPLETS around for the next nine months. it`s not safe for you or the babies.

    as well, i majored in early childhood education, & i`m pretty sure that at four years old, his sister can walk on her own. it may seem a little mean, but wean her off of the dependence of being carried around. explain simply to her that you are carrying three babies, & that it`s already a hard job for you to carry them, so you may not be able to always carry her around. if she needs a concrete way to understand that, give her three dolls to carry around, & then try to place a fourth slightly bigger (possibly heavier) doll to carry too. she may understand from that kind of demo.

    breast pain/soreness is usually associated with pregnancy, but if it concerns you, please check with a doctor. as well, those with multiples tend to feel flutters earlier than those without, but i`m not sure if at ten weeks, you`d be able to feel the babies moving. try waiting another few weeks.

    just a question - you`re ten weeks, how did you find out that you`re having triplets?

  6. first of  all no one will take you serious with the name hehe

    second good luck you'll have 3 brats to deal with you think one is hard now that's hehe

  7. I think it's too early for you to feel babies moving, but it was probably gas pains. you're probably fine. you just shouldn't carry anything that's too heavy for you. you being in pain and exhausted is just probably a result of doing too much in one day. go take a shower, relax, and be lazy as h**l! :)

  8. No more carrying anything over 10 lbs. The chances of you having difficulties with this pregnancy are very great. The hard to breathe part was probably your body telling you that you've done too much. The butterflies probably were your babies since you have so much baby in you right now. Normally, it takes longer to feel one, but three, way sooner. Be careful, listen to what your body says, even if everyone around you thinks you are complaining too much. Just do what you need to do to take care of yourself and your babies. They will just have to understand. Walking normally is fine. Good luck.

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