Hello, once again.
All the time I simply get lost in thought-- well, daydreams-- in which I'm someone else. It's me, but I'm in different situations with people I don't even know but they seem so real... I know every detail about them.
These "daydreams" vary. Anything from stopping someone from robbing a bank, having a baby, doing drugs, getting in a car crash, to going to a reunion with people I do not even know... but knowing everything about them, going to the hospital, etc, etc, etc. Most of the time these daydreams end with me seriously hurting myself or committing suicide.
And then I'm back to reality. I loose track of time when this happens, I forget I'm even there.
And I get extremely paranoid. I think people are following me all the time, listening to my thoughts... everyone in the world is plotting against me-- like life's just a game that everyone set up against me.
Does this happen to everyone? If not, what could this be?
Background information: I'm depressed. Self-injure. Oh, and I'm 15 years old if that helps.
Thank you very much.