heres alittle about me, so you can tell me what i can do or whats wrong with me.........
i hate it, i dispise waking up in the morning, i dont like kids my age because they think theyre so great and everything they do is "cool", im paranoid that when someone looks at me ;i think theyre making fun of me even when theyre not. the group of classes im in, i have nobody, dont get me wrong i have my friends, but i never see them. lunch i am sitting with people whom i dont even know. i know i can make friends, but the people are completely not people i can be friends with, lets just say, everyone on my team are popular people and my goal is not being popular, my goal is getting out of school at 3:30. i mean school just started, im only 3 days into it. but please ,the thought of school agers me, i cry when i get home and theres no reason to because i have to deal with it. im there to learn, but the teachers whom i dispise, they make us do partner work- and i have nobody. the friends i do have have their own better friends they can be with. also.......i even have thought about resorting to killing myslef, i will never do this, but its been on my mind, im over that , but thats where school has taken me to thinking about, also i am dieng to drop out. i am dieng to just get out of there, and im only 13 , only in the 8th grade, and i can assure you a thousand reasons that staying there isnt going to make it any better. please help me out.