
Is this normal to have wacked cycles after stopping birth control pills?

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I was on the mini-pill for a year (after having baby #1) and then switched to ortho tricyclen lo. That is what I took before I got pregnant with #1 and loved it. Anyway, after 2-3 months of taking that I started to spot during my cycles (right before this happened I did forget to take 3 of the last pills in the cycle) and have all sorts of problems with longer than usual periods and spotting. We switched to Ortho Tri Cyclen and problems got worse so I decided to stop taking BC all together and see if my body could reset on its own. I stopped taking it at the end of May but I have had crazy cycles! I had a 7 week cycle (and of course, I thought I was pregnant), followed by a 24-day cycle and now I'm on week 5 of this new cycle (and am not pregnant--all tests are negative). DH and I aren't doing anything to prevent being pregnant, but we aren't having s*x every day either. We had talked and decided we wanted to start trying in August (this month), but obviously it won't really work because I can't pinpoint anything! One thing that remains certain of the latter 2 of my 3 "cycles" since stopping BC is that on day 13 (religiously) I get cramps for 2 days straight. Could that be ovulation pain that some women experience? Help please! Tell me if it is normal to have wacked cycles after stopping BC. My doctor did an ultrasound to determine the reason for bleeding while I was on BC and things looked fine, but a follow up just in case is scheduled in late Sept. Any advice is well appreciated.




  1. Yes, its very common. Depending on your age, it may be this way a while or here on out. My suggestion is to have s*x when you feel like it, more your urges than your hubby because that is often a sign that you are fertile. Thats why women have less desire on the pill. It doesn't sound like you're in a mad rush to get pregnant again so who cares if it takes a year a two? Just have s*x when its good for you and let it happen.

  2. I went off the pill in Jan. and didn't have a single period until the end of July.  It's normal.

  3. Its normal!  

  4. I was on the pill for 5 years went off it in may so far my periods have been 28 days the pain you get is it 14 days after your period?If so it could be ovulation believe me that hurts it feels like someone is inside your tummy twisting ur insides thats how i know i ovulate hope this has been helpful and yes everyone is different some woman go off the pill and fall pregnant straight away some it takes up to 12 months.

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