
Is this normal with guys or what? ?

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yesterday i went out with this guy (5th date) we went near the sea. It was so romantic but then he wanted to touch me.. he touched my b***s cause i thought it's ok but he wanted to go far down but I didn't let him and we kinda fought about it. I told him that it was too early to be doing that stuff!

Is this normal with guys that they want to touch you so soon?




  1. it's normal for him to want it, but if he had any respect for you he wouldn't do it so soon. he'd wait till you wanted it, too.

    don't let him make you do anything you don't want!!!

  2. I would think that would be too soon to do that kinda stuff in public.

    However, if y'all were at home after the 5th date, that would not shock me.

  3. No, if he was a gentleman, he wouldn't have fought with you about it. He should respect you and your set of boundaries. And do stand up for yourself about it or else it would have a little bit of impact on your love life in the future.

    I would do the same too if a guy tries to do that to me when I don't want them to.

  4. If he really likes you it is normal. Sometimes we guys just can't control ourselvess like girls do. However he should not of argued with you about it, he should of just left it alone after you said no.

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