
Is this normal with vaccinations....?

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My two month old daughter got her vaccinations yesterday and she screamed for the rest of the day. Literally! Nothing would calm her down. Finally about sevn hours after her shots she stopped fussing. Is this normal?




  1. yes I think so, did the doc go over the side effects?

    I think where her arm or leg was pricked, maybe its still tender

  2. It never happened with my 2 daughters. But I guess it's normal. Just make sure she doesn't show symptoms that suggest the vaccinations have harmed her. Look up on Google "adverse effects to childhood vaccinations" to see a list of thigs to watch out for. I have heard of babies dying after receiving vaccinations. One boy was wetting through diapers and vomiting for 2 days then he started being limp and lifeless then he was found dead in his crib. This was many years ago though and I think that they improved the vaccinations since this happened.  


  4. First off, yes its normal. I had my son vaccinated yesterday and he pulled quite the fit, I took him to my room, laid him on the bed, and nursed him all day, he slept about 8 hours on and off and today he is back to normal. I didn't want to carry him around because his little thighs would touch my stomach but when I laid him down he calmed down alot.

    Secondly, since last year the number of measles cases has tripled because people are opting not to vaccinate their children, its a devastating disease and personally, I would rather my son have a few shots and cry about it for a day or two than end up with measles.

    Not getting your child vaccinated is foolish, I understand the worries, but people who say that vaccines cause autism should realize that the new vaccines no longer have the mercury or heavy metals in them and have been reformulated so that the baby won't even get a fever!

    I would never want my child to contract things like measles, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis, meningitis and so much more! Why risk your child's life?

    edit:: thumbs down me people but you know i'm right. you're putting your babies at risk. how does that make me wrong?

  5. Unfortunately, that is considered a "normal" reaction. It can be a sign that there is something wrong, so I would keep my eye on her and if she starts up again, I would take her in to the pediatrician.

    ** LoL, so formaldehyde, phenols, MSG, and aluminum are not poisons?

  6. You injected her with poison. Of course there are reactions like this.

    Report this reaction to your doctor.

    Now is the time to research what you are having injected into your child and stop hurting her.

  7. Yes, this is completely normal. Most pediatricians will tell you to give them tylenol every 4-6 hours for any pain, discomfort or fever. Dont worry she will be fine. It is normal.  

  8. Good for you for vaccinating your baby, too many people these days don't do it and they are really jeopardizing their childs health. This is a common side effect from vaccinations, even a fever is common. Next time I suggest giving her a small amount of baby tylenol and it should help.

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