
Is this normal?how do i know it is or isnt?

by  |  earlier

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I have been raped when i was 7 or 8 or 9 and i have something soft and pink coming out of my vag actually its been there for awhile but i fingered and yes of course i had my period.




  1. Is it a tiny dangling piece of what feels like skin at the entrance to your v****a? If so, I have that too and it's just a part of my personal anatomy. All vaginas look and feel different.

    Are you feeling any pain or noticing a change in your periods or discharge? If not, you're most likely fine.

    To be sure, you should go to a gynecologist and have it looked at. That might ease your fears. If you tell them you were raped as a child, they can make accomodations so that you're completely comfortable physically and emotionally.

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