
Is this normal?is it becaues my brother ?

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hi i am a 13 year old girl who is going to be 14 and soon lately haven't been my self you know I'm way to emotional,i get scared so easily,i have less confident in my self and the school(the one i graduated from this year) says its because of my older brother who has been calling me names like r****d and when i was little he would start punching me for doing the right thing and he would start bringing me down by saying I'm not going to survive i high school. that is my problem so is it me? or my older brother?




  1. It's you. I don't care what a person does to you, your attitude and how you handle it depends on you. Too many people today go around blaming all their shortcomings and problems on someone else. That is such bull!

    You are allowing yourself to be so bummed and scared. You could decided not to be that way and work past all those feelings. The power is all in your hands.

    You just have to decide... do you control your life or do you let others control you???

  2. The problem is not you. *well not all you*

    You have allowed someone else determine your self worth. Your brother doesn't call you names like "r****d", etc because he actually thinks you are, he is doing it because he is doesn't feel good about himself. So to make himself feel better he downs you. AND YOU HAVE ALLOWED THIS TO WORK!

    Take a piece of paper and write down things that you like about yourself.

    Things you look forward to about school?

    Things you are worried about in school?

    You will be fine in high school. They usually keep the freshman separated from the upper classmen and they really don't bother you.

    Just stick within your class (freshman class) and make new friends.

    Honestly the most difficult thing in high school is figuring out what to eat at lunch. If you are scared you won't have anyone to sit with during lunch, make a friend in the class right before lunch. Then just continue your conversation all the way to the lunch room.

    You will be fine. Don't allow anyone to bring you down though. Not even your brother. :)

  3. It's a little of both.  You are at a tough time right now, changing schools and puberty and all that.  So you're probably more emotional and insecure feeling than you have been before.

    Add to that a nasty brother, who sounds like a big As* H*le to me, and you've got trouble.

    The other poster is right.  You can 't blame your problems on anyone else.  This is what life has given you right now, and it's hard, but you can overcome it.  Don't blame your brother.  You can tell him he's a jerk, and he is, but don't let him ruin your year in school.

    How this school year goes it up to you.  So be strong, stand up and have a great year!

  4. he is being a  AS----

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