
Is this normal?(morning sickness ugh!)?

by Guest61223  |  earlier

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I thought morning sickness was only the first trimester or so. But here I am 6 months pregnant and still ave it EVERYDAY! I mean, still even at the stage certain smells just seriously make me hurl. I thought I would of passed this by now!.. And even WATER gives me heartburn it seems like.. I ave that EVERYDAY sometimes 3-4 times a day... Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated!.




  1. When it comes to pregnancy there is no such thing as ''normal''!!

    Do you know what you're having?? I was like that w/my last pregnancy (& only girl) & by my 7th month it started to fade away. Try to stay away rom the smells/foods that make you sick & make sure that you let your family & friends know that you'd appreciate it if they also stay away from the ''offenders'' when they're around you.  

  2. some fems have morning sickness through the whole pregnancy, if it is too much for you to handle tell your dr and he can give you meds to control it. It may be what you are eating too.

  3. sorry to say but morning sickness can last all through pregnancy

  4. Here I am 35 weeks pregnant and I still get nauseas and even throw up. Especially in public bathrooms or when I'm hot and especially when I'm hurting.

    Try crackers I even heard like ginger snaps can be helpful. For the heartburn as a natural remedy I would swallow a lil vinegar burp and be fine.

  5. I had morning sickness for the first about 4 months I am now 5 1/2 months and happy those days are behind me. Some women are just very unlucky and can have it all through pregnancy. Certain smells still bother me, but I dont feel like puking after everything I eat, and I was the unlucky one none of my friends had any morning sickness. Those lucky brats. My mom said with my brother she had heartburn so bad through out her pregnancy she was always throwing up. I hope you feel better soon

  6. tell your ob you need some medication for it mine gave me something it really helped i forget the name but it really made a difference

  7. Yes it's normal to have it all through out your pregnancy, that's what I'm going through right now.

    I drink this tea called Red Raspberry Zinger and it helps a lot as it has a lot of things they say to take to help easy morning sickness such as peppermint, red raspberry leaf, lemon juice and a few others I believe.

  8. Unfortunately it can happen the whole way through.

    Try sipping small amounts of ginger tea (just pour hot water over a few slices of fresh ginger), peppermint/spearmint tea, red raspberry leaf tea, ginger ale or lemonade. Also try eating a few plain crackers before getting out of bed in the morning.

    There is also a connection between morning sickness and low blood sugar. So try to eat small amounts regularly (every few hours) and get plenty of good quality protein (tofu, miso, lean meat, peas, beans, cottage cheese) and whole grains.

    I hope that helps.

  9. Oh dear, unfortunately some people are just unlucky and can have horrific pregnancies.  I know a handful of people who were sick throughout their entire pregnancy.  There's not much you can do about it other than keep your chin up and know that it won't last forever!  Good luck. x

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