
Is this normal??not sure?

by  |  earlier

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well i am now 13 and i m******** this like normal i feel ashmed or like guilty i just dont know for sure!!




  1. Its normal for girls to do, although I am abnormal, I don't like to m********e...

  2. It's COMPLETELY normal.

    I'm 17 and sometimes I still feel a little akward doing it.

    Trust me there is nothing to be worried about.

    Its normal with just being a teenager and getting all new hormones.

    Hope I helped.



  3. It's normal.

  4. it is perfectly normal. it is just you getting to know your body and what you like. I just wouldn't start having intercourse because you are kind of young and you know the consequences it could have

  5. It is normal you have nothing to feel ashamed of =)

  6. It is normal most people do it i wouldn't worry about it.  

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