
Is this normal(regarding my stitching)?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike son will be three weeks on sunday, i tore in like a Y shape somehow lol. anyways...they have not dissolved yet and i can still feel them...however in one area i can feel my body healing over it. is this normal? i can feel skin and underneath it is the stitching.

how can i get them to dissolve quicker? i just dont like being able to feel them over my healing skin.




  1. that is very common and unfortunatly you cant speed up the dissolving.

  2. Keeping the area clean will not only speed up the process but from infection as well. Follow the strict guidelines from your gyn on how to heal the area. Every one is different and if you are unsure call your midwife or gyno because they will know best about your stitching.

    For my stitching, I had a spray they gave me at the hospital and I would have a sit bath with water and witch hazel. I healed 4 weeks with the instructions from my doctor.

    Call your doctor, they are here for you :)

  3. My stitches didn't dissolve either, and I'm 5 weeks since delivery.  Mind you, I had a c-section and I am referring to the dissolvable stitches sewing up my belly!  I went to hospital yesterday for my midwife to take a look and she just pulled it right out -- about 8 inches of thread!  

    She told me that some people just take longer to heal around the stitches and for them to dissolve and that the best thing you can do to help the process is eat lots and lots and lots of protein.

    I can't see how tummy stitches would be any different than vaginal ones -- so try eating more protein for one, and keep in mind that it is considered quite normal for things to not be finished healing until you are 6 weeks post partum, regardless of how fast your friend / sister / neighbour / aunt healed.  

  4. it took 7 wks for my stitches to go.  I must have had about one hundred of them (maybe not that many, but it felt like it)  Try baths in epsom salts - get it really cheaply at the drug store.  I found it really helped speed the healing even though it still took 7 wks  (I had ALOT of damage) and it also made it less itchy.  I think that's what got me through it.  Take a nice bath like this once a day and I bet it will help a lot.

    good luck:)

  5. You can take some warm baths every night, that will speed up the process.  I had stitches with two of my deliveries.  

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