
Is this not a worrying state of affairs?

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What on earth is going on with this world? I just caught this news article and it ain't good!!

What's your opinion?




  1. Too many sad sicko's about, but well unless they are caught in the act in they get away with it...

    On this bloke lock up and throw away the key, just another pervert that can't get a real girlfriend!

  2. There is nothing wrong with this world, its only the people who made it bad, to live in, other wise every thing is all right

  3. LOL!!!!

    The man must be Baaaaaaarking mad!

  4. Yes...and its more common than you think! God, there are some sick people out there!!

  5. "worrying"  LOL good one, very droll.

  6. and he is english.

  7. That made me smile and at the same time feel bad for smiling. That is just sick. Why on Earth would you want to put your 'privates' in something other than human?

    To answer your question.... the world has gone mad!

    What ever happend to finding men cheating on their wives or something.

    I guess they think sheep are better

  8. Perverts have been buggering sheep for thousands of years.  It's only been illegal for about 100.  So what's your problem?  There must be far more serious crimes affecting the world.

  9. I guess some men are just too ugly to pull a woman and too poor to buy one....

  10. It's disgusting completely revolting just what is the mind set of these people, nothing surprises me any more, what people will do for gratification 'gross'.


    Enjoy ;-)

  12. ha

  13. ugh its pretty sick and just because he can't get a living breathing human being he has to go so low he needs to violate those poor animals

  14. I  was reading an article the other week about a man who keeps a 22St ram in his house.

    Makes you think, doesn't it?

  15. This is what happens when girls dont give it out!

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