
Is this offending anyone here in adoption.?

by  |  earlier

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I've asked Q's about adoption reform and what policies we can focus on to better adoption for everyone, and they keep getting deleted.

I'm pretty sure It's 2 people specificly . 1 who works for the adoption industry and the other an adoptive mom. Both who can't beleive how strong I (an a-mom) feel about Adoption Reform and Univarsal Health Care.

SO I block those 2 for now and want to know,do you think that me (an a-mom) asking Q's in favor of reform is offensive?




  1. No, not offensive at all.  Informative.  I recommend you all try to respect each other's opinions.  Every governmental system can  use constant updating and change.  Try to be more open to their responses to your questions and to their questions.

  2. Not at all.  I think the more people from all parts of adoption that are thinking about and working on reform the better.  I can't imagine why anyone would be against reform in adoption (unless they have some sort of ulterior motive).

  3. not at all you go girl you tell them you have all the right to express yourself how ever you want to

  4. I don't think you are offensive at all.  I have never thought you were offensive.  I think you are great.

  5. I would say that no, its not offensive, and yes, it does definately need reform. There are many health questions that might need to be answered or assisted with that aren't on most original records, that could save the life of that adopted child.

  6. I don't think your questions are offensive.

    I bet you are right about those who are reporting you.  The adoption worker has been going around telling everyone to ignore anything negative about adoption.  Yeah, just ignore it.  It doesn't exist!  Mmmm'kay!

    I wonder if she was making some kind of commission from referring people from here and her well is drying up with all the  so called "negatives" here.  Reality might be costing someone some money.

  7. I'm not offended and I agree with you 100%. It does need reform. I'm raising my 9 year old sister who was adopted. We have no idea what her families health history is, and the only way we'll be able to find out is if we find her mother. I think if they want to keep certain things private, then so be it. But the health aspect should be open to adopted persons.

  8. No, it's not offensive for anyone to ask about reform.  There are many aparents in favour of it.  In the town where I live, there is a chapter of the PACER group.  PACER is made up of adopted people, first parents and adoptive parents all supporting each other and reform.

  9. I would guess that someone doesn't want you to learn,  or they don't want reform. Kinda surprising as even though many disagree on a lot in here most all agree that the adoption industry is in need of many reforms. No it is NOT offensive that you ask these questions.  As was stated by another "the only stupid question is the one not asked"

  10. Not offensive at all. Trouble is some people hate the truth coz the truth hurts.

  11. NO! You keep on speaking up. Thanks for being an adoptive mom who is so understanding and supportive.

  12. Nope.

  13. No, I am not offended by questions about adoption reform.  I think that it is sick and sad for those questions to be deleted.  A-moms who are in favor of reform should be commended!  Not deleted.  That is censorship!

    If everyone blocks people who are against adoption reform on Y!A, then this free forum will be cleaned up!  Isn't that why Y!A has blocking in place!

    I have never blocked anyone before, but if answers about reform are being deleted, I am for it.  It is about time that Y!A Adoption is cleared of trollers and exploiters!

    Edited to add -  I get it Isabel!  Thanks for the hint.  I am a little dense sometimes.  Off to place my first block.  And the adopter???

  14. Not at ALL.

    pffffft to the people who are making false reports!! PROTEST IT!

  15. Not at all.  You have to ask questions to learn.  Good Luck

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